Chapter 10: Für Elise

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I finish packing a few other things and pick up my bag. I head down stairs and Dani looks at me.

"You really don't want to stay this weekend?" She asks.

"I'm missing home..." I say looking at her.

"You were only away for one weekend." She smiles.

"Yeah, and it was a good experience." I shrug one shoulder. "But my mom needs me to help out at the coffee shop this weekend.. shes short staffed." I lie.

She gives me a look, not believing me.

"Ok... well next weekend maybe?"

"Yeah." I show half a smile.

"Jamie will miss you." Holly smirks.

I give her a look and i let out a soft laugh.

"Maybe that's why shes going back to her parents this weekend? Jamie put her off, trying to eat her face off on her first night out with us." Becky grins.

Holly gasps as she laughs and Dani sniggers. I shake my head and frown.

"No... its not that at all. Jamie is really nice. He hasn't put me off, he just read the situation wrong. I enjoyed last weekend, really."

"Chill, we're just messing with you." Holly smiles. "We had a good time too. It was just a shame you left early."

I show a little smile.

"Yeah.. well my dad is outside waiting so I should go."

"Ok, see you Sunday night maybe?" Holly smiles.

"Yeah." I smile.

"See you later girl." Becky smiles.

Dani walks with me to the front door. She suddenly hugs me and I laugh.

"I'm coming back in a couple days."

"I know." She laughs pulling away. "Its just weird when you're not here, and when its just me and those two."

I smirk. Dani is such a good friend.

"I'll text you."

"Yeah, have a good weekend." She nods.

"Thanks, you too." I open the front door and leave.

I start to walk down campus, seeing my dads car up ahead. I smile, feeling excited to go back home for a couple of days.

"Off home this weekend?"

I stop walking and look back, hearing Mr Jackson. I smile instantly and he smiles back at me as he walks up closer to me. His smile gets me every time. My belly fills with butterflies and I become all nervous.

"Uh, yeah." I nod, almost stuttering.

"Didn't want to go clubbing with your friends again?" He asks with a little smirk.

"No." I shake my head and let out a soft laugh. "I would have only got lost again."

He chuckles and licks his bottom lip.

"Yeah, you don't want to get in to that situation again."

I smile slowly and look down. The way he said that makes me think he meant my situation with Jamie... maybe I'm looking too much in to it.

"And it gives me time to work on the written assignment."

Yeah, the assignment I'm going to fail.

"Yeah. How's that going?"

"Good." I lie, nodding my head.

I haven't even started it yet... He raises an eyebrow and smiles.

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