Chapter 89: Graduation

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"I'm so nervous." Abby makes a face.

"Me too, but I'm excited!" I smile. "You'll be fine." I nudge her gently as she looks out at the crowd and smiles at her mom.

"Ooh I'm next!" Lauren grins.

"Lauren Davidson." The chancellor calls out. "Merit Masters Degree in Music."

Lauren quickly walks across the stage and takes her degree from the chancellor. The chancellor shakes her hand, congratulating her and she smiles, posing for a picture. We all clap and cheer for her before she walks away.

"Alison May." My heart races hearing the chancellor call out my name and I smile widely. "Distinction Masters Degree in Music."

"Oooh, go get it girl!" Abby grins as she claps.

I giggle and begin my walk across the stage, hearing everyone cheer. I glance over at my parents and see them beaming with joy and pride. Jade and Dani are sitting with them and they have beaming smiles on their face too.

The chancellor hands me my degree and shakes my hand.

"Congratulations Alison." He smiles.

"Thank you." I smile widely and breathe out a sigh of relief.

I turn to the camera to pose for a picture. Before the camera flashes I glance out at the crowd and look at Michael and Janet. Michael looks so proud as he smiles at me. Janet claps and calls out my name making me laugh. My picture gets taken and I begin to walk off the stage.

"Abby Jacobs." The chancellor calls out. "Merit Masters Degree in Music."

I grin and quickly walk over to Lauren and Louis.

"Congratulations you guys!" I smile.

"I can't believe we made it!" Lauren laughs and hugs me.

"Me too." I giggle, hugging her.

"This journey has been amazing, but I'm so relieved it's over." Louis chuckles and holds out a glass of fizz for me.

"Yeah, it's been great." I smile, feeling emotional and take the glass from him.

"Woooo we've graduated bitches!!" Abby shouts as she runs over to us.

We laugh and she hugs us. Abby picks up a glass of fizz and drinks some back.

"It just feels amazing doesn't it?" She smiles. "We deserve this guys! We have stressed so much and worked so hard for 2 years! Today, we celebrate." She raises her glass.

"I drink to that!" Lauren grins and raises her glass.

"Me too." I smile, raising mine.

"Me three." Louis laughs and we sip our drinks. "Congratulations babe." He smiles and kisses Abby.

She grins and kisses him back.

The ceremony continues as more students are awarded their degrees and we take more pictures and selfies together.

Once the ceremony ends the photographer wants all of us to go outside to take some group photos together. The sun shines brightly down on all of us and we all huddle together, showing big smiles for the camera.

The moment comes where we all take off our hats and throw them in to the air, cheering with happiness. I can't believe we have all graduated! I never thought this day would come. I've actually achieved something and I have a degree! I always wondered what it would feel like to throw your graduation hat in the air, and now I know. I feel elated and I'm looking forward to starting a new chapter.

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