Chapter 12: Is He Your Type?

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All of us are sitting in the living room, looking through the channels on TV for something to watch.

"Ugh, theres fuck all on TV." Becky sighs.

"What do you expect? Its a Thursday afternoon." Dani smirks.

"Mm true." Becky nods. "Netflix?"

"Good shout." Holly nods, as she texts away on her phone. "Actually... speaking of Netflix..."

She glances up from her mobile and looks at me. I look at her and make a face.

"What?" I smile.

"I heard you didn't Netflix and chill with Jamie yesterday." She raises an eyebrow.

Dani looks at me. I open my mouth and hold my head, suddenly remembering I was going to text him...

"Oh no." I sigh and frown. "I came back here yesterday after our lecture and I was going to text him to say maybe another time... but I fell asleep and completely forgot."

I think of Michael... and how I ended up doing exactly what he told me to do.

"Yeah... Ryan said he seemed pretty hurt he didn't hear anything from you."

"Shit." I frown. "I didn't do it on purpose. God, I bet he thinks I'm a bitch." I shake my head. "I've just been so busy and tired lately."

"Hey relax." Holly chuckles. "He'll be ok. I'm going to see Ryan in a second. Why dont you come with me? You can explain and apologise to Jamie."

I feel Dani's eyes burning through me.

"Ooor you could just text him, and say you're sorry?" Dani jumps in to the conversation.

"Well... yeah, you could." Holly shrugs. "But wouldn't that be a bit harsh? Another kick in the teeth, being let down by text."

"I dont want to do that." I make a face. "I'll come with you." I nod. "I should talk to him."

"Cool." Holly smiles.

Dani looks away, looking at the TV.

"Stranger Things?" Becky asks, changing the subject.

We give her a look. She lowers her eyebrows.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing." Holly chuckles and stands up. "I'll get my shoes, and we'll go."

"Sure." I nod.

She leaves the room and Dani looks at me.

"You don't have to go Al."

"I know, but I should. I need to talk to him anyway."

She nods slowly.

"Y'all, I just love the 80's." Becky smiles, watching Stranger Things.

"Me too." I chuckle and stand up.

"Well you're gonna miss it, if you're going to talk to Jamie." Dani gives me a look and smiles.

"I'll have to catch up then." I smirk. "See you two later."

"Mmm." Dani shows half a smile.

"Have fun." Becky says, keeping her eyes fixed on the TV.

Dani watches me leave the living room.


Me and Holly walk side by side through campus, heading to the sports hall. I've not actually been around this part of campus before.

"You and Dani are quite close." She says looking at me.

"Yeah." I smile. "I didn't think I would make a close friend so quickly here."

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