Chapter 37: Something's Come Up

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I see everyone sat eating in the cafeteria and i walk over to them. As I reach the table Dani glances at me and stands up. She picks her things up and walks off. I sigh and sit down.

"Damn she still pissed?" Holly shakes her head.

"She left without me this morning, and I didn't sit next to her in our lecture either." I make a face.

"She needs to stop because shes pushing you away as a friend." Holly rolls her eyes.

"What's going on?" Jamie asks.

We look at him.

"Dani is still in love with Alison." Becky shrugs. "Shes being all jealous and shit."

I give her a look.

"Oh." He lets out a soft laugh. "Why?"


Becky cuts me off.

"Al is seeing someone and Dani doesn't like it."

"Oh..." Jamie nods.

I look at him.

"Its... complicated..."

He lowers his eyebrows.

"What do you mean? Things with this guy you're seeing?" He asks.

"Yeah..." I nod slowly.

"Unlucky Jamie. I guess you wont be the one taking Al's virginity." Ryan chuckles.

I widen my eyes and Jamie gives him a look. Holly hits his arm.

"Shut up Ryan." Jamie scoffs and shakes his head.

"Sorry." Ryan laughs. "I'm just saying."

"That shit is getting old Ryan." I give him a look.

Becky laughs.

"Oooh ok." He smirks. "Sweet Alison is growing some balls huh? I like it."

"Ryan?" Holly gives him a look.

I sigh and roll my eyes. I fold my arms and sit back, keeping quiet.


I sit in the library working. I wanted to get out of the house because me and Dani are still not talking and it's just awkward. I could have stayed in my room but I just wanted to get out of there.

I stand up looking for a book and then I notice Michael walk in. I watch him as he talks to a teacher and then picks up a couple of books. I bite my lip looking him up and down. He looks so sexy today. Well he looks sexy every day. I sigh and look back at the books on the shelf.

A few minutes later her walks past me. He glances at me and shows a little smile.

"Hey." He says softly.

"Hey." I show half a smile back. "I'm actually doing some work..." I hold up a book.

He let's out a soft laugh and nods. He glances around and walks a bit closer to me.

"Uh Alison... I can't do tomorrow."

I lower my eyebrows.

"Oh... why?" I ask feeling surprised.

"Somethings come up."


"Yeah." He nods. "We can do it another time?"

"Do our date another time?" I scoff and give him a look. "I thought you said you still wanted to do it?"

"I do..." He nods. "I'm sorry. What about next Saturday?"

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