Chapter 101: Is This Safe?

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"Please act normal while we're at your parents." I make a face and look up at Michael as we walk down the street hand in hand.

Michael looks down at me and laughs.

"Normal?" He pulls a face.

"Yes." I raise an eyebrow. "Don't draw attention to me being pregnant." I lower my voice. "You know what I mean."

"Yes yes..." Michael nods and tries to hold back his smile.

"I'm serious." I give him a look.

"I can tell." He smirks and raises his eyebrows which makes me smile.

We walk up to his parents house and Michael presses the door bell.

"Promise me." I look up at him.

He sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Michael. We're keeping this between us remember? Like we agreed." I raise my eyebrows.

"Yes, ok. I promise I'll try and act as normal as possible." He wraps his arm around my waist.

"Try?" I give him a look.

He smiles slowly and before I can say anything more the door opens and we are greeted by Joe.

"Hey you two. Come in." He says holding the door open for us.

We ask how each other are as we walk inside and follow Joe through the house to the kitchen. Katherine is laying food on the table wearing an apron. I see she has been cooking a lot for all of us. Michael definitely gets his cooking skills from her. Her food is always amazing and the house is filled with the wonderful smell of homemade food. She looks up and smiles widely when she sees us.

"Oh hi!" She exclaims and opens her arms walking towards me.

"Hi Katherine." I smile as we both give each other a big hug. "How are you?"

"I'm fine honey, how have you been?"

"Great, thank you." I smile thinking of the baby and look over at Michael.

"You're looking as beautiful as ever Alison." She gives me a gentle squeeze before pulling away.

"Thanks." I laugh softly.

She turns to Michael and gives him a big hug too.

"What about me?" Michael makes a face.

Me and Katherine laugh.

"Oh yes of course! My little boy is looking as handsome as ever too." She says making her voice sound as if she is talking to a child as she rubs his back.

"Thanks mom." Michael smiles.

I giggle and roll my eyes.

"Let me take a proper look at you." She says breaking the hug.

She holds his arms and looks him up and down while Michael shows a big smile.

"Take that fedora off when you're in the house boy." She tuts.

Michael makes a face and laughs, taking off his fedora. I smile watching him fix his hair. She smirks and raises her eyebrows.

"You're looking thic Michael!"

"What?!" He raises his eyebrows and then looks down at his body.

"I see you've put on some weight since the wedding."

"I have?!" Michael frowns and looks at me for my opinion.

I shake my head... I haven't noticed at all.

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