Chapter 80: Love Heart Pizza

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I take my eyes away from the kitchen window and look at Michael. His big and concerned eyes are staring at me.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, sorry." I nod. "What were you saying?" I pick up my fork, eating the last bit of Halloumi on my plate.

"What were you staring at?" He asks, turning his head to glance out the window.

"Nothing." I shake my head.

He lowers his eyebrows and laughs softly.

"Ok, then what were you thinking about?"

If I should ask you about Nicole or not.

"Nothing, i just zoned out for a second." I laugh softly and sip my wine.

He gives me a look like he doesn't believe me.

"I must be boring you then." He raises an eyebrow and sits back, picking up his glass of wine.

"No, no." I frown and shake my head. "I'm sorry. Of course you're not. I.. I just remembered I forgot to tell you about the painting I recognized in your house." I smile.

He squints his eyes and smiles slowly. I don't think I've convinced him.

"The painting you bought from the art gallery. I thought it was cute you hung it up."

"It reminds me of you." He smiles. "And that was a good day, seeing you again." He holds out his hand across the table.

My belly flips and I smile, putting my hand in to his.

"It was a really good day."

He kisses my hand and then stares at me.

"Is that the only thing you was thinking about?"

I look away from his stare and stand up, picking up our empty plates.

"I was looking at the photos of you and your family, and I thought we haven't got any pictures of us together..." I take the plates over to the sink. "I'd like some.. especially before I go back to University."

"Yeah, you're right." Michael gets up and walks over to me. "I'd like some too."

I look at him and see him smiling, holding his phone up pointing it at me.

"Michael?" I laugh softly. "Are you taking pictures of me?"

He grins and steps back, getting the right angle. I shake my head, feeling embarrassed and turn my head. He pulls a face and smiles.

"Hey, look back at me."

"No." I laugh, feeling my body heat up.

"Look at me." He laughs and raises his eyebrows.

I smile and turn my head, giving him a look.

"Stop." I poke my tongue out.

"That's a good one." He grins.

I roll my eyes and giggle.

"I meant I wanted a picture of us together."

He walks back over to the table and pulls out a chair sitting on it.

"Let's take some. Come over here." He licks his lips and looks me up and down.

I smile and walk over to him. He puts his arm around me, holding my hip and pulls me down on his lap. I put my arm around his neck and rest me head against his. He holds up his phone and starts taking some pictures. We start laughing and pull a few silly faces.

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