Chapter 58: That Bad Feeling

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More people start to arrive. I dont really know any of them... I see them around campus but I dont speak to them. They dont even care it's my birthday, they just think this is a house party.

Jamie walks over to me and smiles. I smile at him and see hes holding a present. He holds it out to me.

"Aw thank you." I take it from him.

"That's ok. Its not much..."

"I wasnt expecting anything." I shake my head.

I unwrap the present and raise my eyebrows. He has got me some art books that I can draw and paint in.

"Aw thank you so much!"

"I know you like drawing." He smiles. "Dani says you're always doodling."

"Yeah." I laugh softly. "That's sweet of you, thanks."

"No problem." He stares in to my eyes.

"Jamie, Alison, you ready for the drinking games?" Ryan smirks.

We look at him.

"Yeah." I nod and smile slowly.

We begin playing some games and they're quite fun. Of course they pick on me a little bit more because it's my birthday, and I probably drink a little bit more than everyone else. After a couple more hours we leave for the clubs.

"I'll buy you a drink." Dani smiles at me.

"Sure.. I just need to use to toilet." I nod.

"You ok?" Jade asks.

"Yeah." I smile.

I make my way through to the toilets feeling tipsy. I take my phone out and stare at Michael's message again. I bite my lip debating whether I should text him back... or call him. I want to hear his voice... I miss him. I press call and stand by the sink. It rings and rings... he doesn't answer. I frown and hang up. I fucking knew he wouldn't answer. He sends me a text and then fucking ignores me. I should have left it. I shake my head feeling upset. I just wanted one quick call... ugh why did he have to message me? I should just delete his number again, and probably block it. I hold back my tears and just as I'm about to delete his number Holly storms in with Becky following her.

"I mean it! This time me and him are fucking done!" Holly scoffs.

She looks pretty angry. I'm guessing her and Ryan have had another argument.

"Well it's about time!' Becky says. "He doesn't deserve you."

"Al." Holly says walking over to me.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Me and Ryan just broke up." She sighs.

"Again..." Becky makes a face.

Holly gives her a look.

"Oh... I'm sorry.."

"Its fine, I dont care. I can get someone way better than him anyway." She shrugs. "Sorry to put a downer on your birthday by the way."

"No." I shake my head and show a little smile. "You haven't. As long as you're ok?"

"I'm fine." She shows a little smile. "I'll be back out in a second."

"Ok." I nod and leave the toilets.

As I'm walking back I see Jamie trying to calm Ryan down. Ryan glances over at me and then smiles.

"Al!" He calls over. "Let's get some more drinks in."

"Sure..." I nod.

I dont really know how to feel now hes just broken up with Holly... he should probably just go home, but Ryan is Ryan after all. He walks off to the bar and Jamie shakes his head walking over to me.

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