Chapter 57: Happy Birthday

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"Happy birthday!" The girls cheer and smile, surprising me as I walk in to the kitchen.

I smile widely and raise my eyebrows. They've put out some cupcakes with candles on, and there's some presents on the table. Theres also a happy birthday banner up. It's really nice of them to do this.

"Aw wow. Thank you guys. You didn't have to do this."

"Wait until tonight. It's only gonna get better." Holly smiles.

"Paaaartaaayyy." Becky grins.

"You haven't invited too many people have you?"

"Um... no..." Holly smiles.

"Oh no." I chuckle and shake my head.

"Here." Dani smiles and hands me a present. "Open mine first."

I give her a look and smile.

"You didnt have to get me anything. None of you did!"

Dani rolls her eyes.

"Just open it or we'll be late for our lecture."

I laugh softly and open it. I smile seeing it's a photo frame with pictures of all of us in. Its actually really sweet!

"Aw thanks Dani. I've never had something like this before. I love it." I smile.

Becky and Holly look over my shoulder.

"Noooo why did you have to put that picture in it?!" Becky frowns and takes it from me looking at it. "I look horrible."

Dani rolls her eyes.

"No you dont." I chuckle.

"I look quite good actually." Holly smiles.

"We all look good." I make a face. "And they are nice memories to look back on."

"Shit, we need to get to our lecture Al." Dani says looking at her phone.

I stand up and nod.

"I'll open the rest later." I smile. "Thank you guys."

"Saving the best until last." Holly smiles. "See you later birthday girl!"

I chuckle and me and Dani leave.

I'm glad I get to see Michael on my birthday... but he doesn't even know about it. We haven't spoken in the last couple of weeks... things have really gone quiet. He still looks at me now and again, but I guess it's really over between us and hes kept his promise... but I really do miss him so much.

We get to class and sit down. The lecture goes on as normal. I try not to look at Michael and I barely write a sentence. I really cant go on like this. I wish I was just happy... i want to be excited about my birthday, but I feel miserable.


Me and Dani sit by the library eating some food.

"You looking forward to tonight?" She asks.

I give her a look.

"I dont want to sound ungrateful... but I'm not. Birthdays arent really my thing and you know drinking isn't either."

"You dont have to drink."

"Of course I do." I chuckle. "Everyone else is going to be drinking and I'm the birthday girl. I cant go to my own party and stay on Pepsi all night."

"You could." She nods. "Dont feel pressured! Stop trying to please everyone. You're the birthday girl. How many times have I told you this? Just be yourself."

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