Chapter 40: Don't Look Back

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For the rest of the week I went back to my lectures. Me and Michael didn't speak any more... but he did glance over at me a few times. I'm glad he said sorry, but I think that might be it between us... I hope it's not, but he pretty much ended things and I know he did that becuase he was upset, but I feel like he still means it.

This weekend I'm staying with my parents. I'm glad to finally be away from that place... and to be honest I'm not sure I want to go back.

Theres a little part of me that hopes Michael might see me this weekend... but he probably doesn't even know I'm at my parents. I glance down at my bag and pick it up. I open it and take out the underwear I bought a week ago... I thought maybe I'd bring this with me... incase I see Michael this weekend but I know it's stupid of me. I was so excited to wear this for him... now its just a waste of money and he never got to see it. I shouldn't have got it in the first place.

I glance down at the little vibrator I bought too. It feels like ages since I last had sex or came... i bite my lip and suddenly start to think of Michael fuckig me. I really miss him... I so badly want to kiss him too. I sigh feeling sexually frustrated. I haven't used the vibrator yet... maybe I could try it out now? I've got images in my head of Michael fucking me and now I'm turned on.

What if I never have sex with Michael again? What if me and him are really over? I want to keep seeing him, but I dont know if he wants to keep seeing me? This isn't the first time hes said he wants to stop things. Maybe its time I just keep my distance, but I dont want to.

I sigh and pick up the vibrator. I turn it on and bite my lip. I'm thinking of the last time we had sex... it was in his car. It was actually the day I bought this vibrator. I feel myself throb remembering when I had his penis in my mouth... and then when i sat on him. Oh god I miss all that.

I go to lay back on my bed but then jump when theres a knock on my door. I widen my eyes and quickly panick, throwing the vibrator and underwear back in my bag.

"Alison?" My mom says opening my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I sigh deeply, trying to act normal.

She looks at me and then glances at my bag. I clear my throat and then lick my lips.

"You ready to come help me at the shop?"

"Yeah." I quickly nod.

"Ok." She nods slowly, but then lowers her eyebrows. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, why?" I let out a soft laugh.

"You look a bit hot?"

"I do?" I say feeling my cheek.

Yep. I'm burning up...

"You not feeling good?"

"Oh no I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You dont have to help me if you're-"

"Mom I said I'm fine. I'll be down in a second."

This is embarrassing. Just get out!!! She raises her eyebrows.

"Ok... I'll see you in a second then?"

I nod. She turns around and leaves my room. I sigh and shake my head. Well she just ruined that moment.

I hear my phone ping and pick it up. Jade has text me.

Hey! So did you take my advice and go to your parents? X

I smirk and text her back.

Yes I did... I'm helping my mom today if you want to come over? X

She replies:

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