Chapter 43: You Turn Me On

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I look around Michael's living room, taking in everything. He has such a lovely home. I see a few photos of some people who I think is his family. I smile looking at them. He is lucky he has a big family. Maybe one day I'll get to meet them? I'm thinking way too far ahead and I instantly feel silly for thinking that.. like that would ever happen...

I sip my wine and see he has a record player. I walk over to it and notice loads of records in the cabinet next to it. I love that hes a music lover just like me. I look through some of his records. He has a lot of classical stuff obviously, and some soul records too. I smile and put one of the classical records on.

Michael wanted me to stay in the living room while he prepared the food but I want to help. I hear him cooking and walk back in to the kitchen. I smile seeing him light a candle on the table. Just him lighting a candle is so fucking adorable! Everything he does is adorable. He notices me and smiles.

"Hey, i said to relax in the living room. I got this covered."

"I know, but I wanted to watch."

He smirks making me smile. I sit at the table and look at the candle. No one has ever done this for me. It's so cute. It's like something I watch on TV or a romantic movie. I never thought it would happen to me. I glance at Michael and see him staring at me. I make a face and let out a soft laugh.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothin." He shakes his head and smiles.

I give him a look feeling myself heat up.

"You want some more wine?" He asks, pouring himself some more.

"I'm ok thanks." I dont want to have too much and embarrass myself.

He smirks and looks at me.

"Already feeling drunk?" He asks.

"No." I give him a look and chuckle.

Well actually I do feel a bit different.

"Last time I had alcohol was at Jamie's party... and that didn't end well." I make a face.

"Oh yeah." Michael raises his eyebrows and smirks.

I look down and smile.

"What's going on with you and him then?" He asks.

"Nothing." I shake my head.

He nods.

"But I keep thinking about Monday and the things you said."

I frown.

"I was upset... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said them things."

"No, I understand why you did. You thought I was dropping you again."

"Well.. yeah." I nod. "But you said you didn't care what me and Jamie did."

He gives me a look.

"I said things I didnt mean either."

I show a little smile.

"You said you had a good time with him and hes been there for you? What did you do?"

"We just went bowling with Jade. Really I just meant it took my mind off of you for a little while. I just said those things to see if you would react to it I guess, because you were being cold towards me and wanted to see if you cared."

He nods slowly and looks down.

"Yeah... well I do care." He looks at me.

I show half a smile.

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