Chapter 17: Extra Lessons

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For the rest of the weekend I keep thinking of that moment me and Michael had. I keep going to touch my chin, where his thumb rubbed my skin. I have never had these feelings before and it is all so new to me. This is probably the happiest I've ever felt. He makes me feel good.

I keep wanting to text him but I never know what to say... or what to start a conversation with.

I keep going over everything... and every time I tell myself he likes me I shake my head, not believing it. How could he like me like that? But there are so many things he says and does which makes me think otherwise. I wonder if he can tell I like him? Maybe I should be a little more clear with my feelings... but maybe he doesn't realise and is just being a nice teacher? I'm probably being silly and thinking too much in to everything. I'm just his student.


"Happy Monday everyone. I'm sure everyone had a great weekend, but its back to working hard now." Michael smiles and looks around the room, and then locks his eyes on me.

I smile slowly, feeling my heart skip a beat.

Throughout the lecture i take a few notes, but I'm a little side tracked again when all i can think of is if Michael likes me or not. I think back to when he said he would give me extra help after class... maybe I could ask him today. I just want to be around him.

Michael ends the lecture on giving us an essay to start.

"Prepare for the essay everyone. Dont just go straight in to it, plan it. Brain storm it. I wanna read some unique and interesting essays for this topic. You'll be glad to know theres a long deadline too, so take your time over it. Well done today everyone."

Everyone starts talking amongst themselves as they begin to pack away their stuff and leave. Me and Dani stand up, picking up our bags.

"Uh I think I'm gonna ask Mr Jackson about the essay."

She lowers her eyebrows.

"What do you mean? The whole lecture was about the essay." She laughs.

"I know, but I mean I dont want to get in the situation I was in the last time with that assignment, and you know I want to get better grades. I'm fed up with worrying and not getting any sleep over it."

"Oh ok." She nods. "Best to let him know I guess. Maybe he can make you feel better about the work if you tell him you're finding it difficult."

I nod and look over at him.

"I'll wait for you outside." She smiles.

"No it's ok." I quickly say with a smile. "You go on. I'll meet you up for some lunch."

She gives me a look.

"But you're not gonna be long are you?"

"Uh I dont know. He might want to explain some of the work to me."

"Ook?" She chuckles. "Well... see you later." She smiles and then glances at Michael.

"Yeah." I smile back.

I watch her leave and then pretend to look through my bag until the last student leaves. God I'm so nervous. Michael is sitting at his desk. I look over at him and begin to walk towards him. He looks at me and bites his lip. I show a shy smile and stand in front of his desk now.

"Michael..." I feel myself burning up.

His eyes burn through me. Hes just staring at me.

"Yeah?" He asks softly.

I tuck some of my loose hair behind my ear and lick my lips.

"I've been thinking about the extra help you said you could give me... can we start this week?"

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