Chapter 15: Second Lesson

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Me, Dani, Becky, Holly, Ryan and Jamie are all sitting eating lunch together. Jamie is sat on my right and Dani on the left. I try and listen to the conversation everyone is having, but my attention is taken away when I see Michael up ahead. I try not to stare over at him too much.

After a little while he sees me and smiles over at me. I smile back. Dani and Holly notice me smile and make a face. I quickly stop smiling and take a bite of my sandwich. They look over at who I was smiling at.

"Oooh there he is." Holly grins.

"Who?" Ryan asks, eating his sandwich.

"Mr Hottie."

"Fuck sake Holly." Ryan rolls his eyes, and looks back at Michael.

"What?!" She scoffs.

"Would you like it if I said that about Miss Baker, right in front of you?"

"Ooh domestic." Becky giggles and pulls a face.

"Really Ryan? He's a fucking teacher. Stop being so jealous. I dont see what the problem is?"

"You never do." He scoffs.

"Shots fired." Becky laughs again.

"Shut up Becky." Holly gives her a look and tries not to smirk. "And what's that supposed to mean Ryan?"

Michael begins to walk towards us all now. He looks at Jamie sitting next to me, as he gets closer.

"It means you think you're never in the wrong."

"I'm not." She smiles slowly.

Dani chuckles. Ryan shakes his head in frustration. Michael walks past our table. I glance at him and Holly checks him out.

"Guys calm down a second." Jamie smiles. "Can we can talk about Thursday night?"

"What about it?" Ryan asks, sounding pissed off.

"I thought we could go out for food."

"You think I didn't see what you just did Holly?" Ryan scoffs, ignoring Jamie.

"You check girls out ALL of the time in front of me!!" Holly scoffs back.

Ryan shakes his head and stands up.

"Oh sit back down." Holly sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Fuck this." He says and walks off.

I raise my eyebrows. Jamie shakes his head and sighs. Holly scoffs and looks shocked.

"Wow... did he really just walk off like that?!"

"Oh my god. He's pissed." Becky chuckles.

"I cant believe him." Holly squints her eyes and stands up looking angry. "He cant act like that when he does the exact same fucking thing."

She turns around and goes to walk after him.

"Ryan!!" She shouts out after him.

"Well... maybe that's a no to Thursday night." Jamie laughs.

"No it's a good idea." I smile. "It would be nice. They'll make up by then."

"Yeah Alison is right." Becky nods. "We could go to that nice pizza place. Everyone has been there and says it's good."

"Cool." Jamie smiles at me.

"You up for that?" I ask looking at Dani.

"Um yeah, maybe." She shrugs.

I give her a look and smile. After lunch me and Dani head to the library. She sits at a table and I go off looking through some books. I pick a couple up and then pick up the one Dani was looking for. I turn to go tell Dani I found it, but I see Michael walking towards me. I smile and he smiles back at me.

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