Chapter 62: It's All Too Much

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"Even if Holly tells people, who the hell is gonna believe her? Just try and ignore it Al. I mean I wouldn't believe it, unless I saw proof, and what proof does she have? Nothing. Shes just trying to scare you and upset you after what happened with Ryan."

"But its gonna get round to everyone and then probably the teachers too. This could get serious... What if Michael loses his job? I dont want him to get fired... he loves his job. I'd feel so bad." I say feeling worried.

"It wont come to that." She shakes her head. "No one is gonna believe it. I mean, you've kept it quiet for this long and you and him are over now anyway."

"I guess so, but I just dont want this to go any further... Holly is determined to make my life a living hell..."

"I know." Dani frowns. "I cant believe how nasty she has turned, but I guess it goes to show she was never a nice person and always has been jealous of you."

I look down.

"I'm not sure why. I've only ever been nice to her."

"Exactly. Shes jealous because you're a nice person and you're better looking than her. She hates that you get more attention than her. Shes probably jealous about you and Michael too. You know how much she thought he was hot. She just wishes it was her who was fucking him."

I laugh softly and give her a look.

"Yeah.. well that ship has sailed." I sigh and look down. "I wish I was still fucking him."

Dani laughs.

"Well fucking him is the reason why you're in this mess."

I nod and make a face. We walk in to our lecture, and as soon as we walk in everyone looks over at me. Some look away and whisper something but some continue to stare. I look down and we walk over and sit down.

A few minutes later Michael walks in and I hear some people giggling. I slope down in my chair feeling uncomfortable. Dani frowns and looks at me. Michael glances over at me too.

Everyone is talking and I hear my name being mentioned a few times. I cant stand this. I didnt think it was going to be this bad...

Michael begins the lecture.

"Shes fucking Mr Jackson." I hear someone say.

I try and act like I dont hear anything. I run my hands through my hair and sigh. How has everyone found out so quickly? I guess it's because Holly is one of the popular people.. and word travels fast around here.

"No way, Alison?! The quiet girl?"

"Its always the quiet ones."

I frown and shake my head, wanting to die right now.

"Apparently shes fucking Jamie too."

"Slag." They chuckle quietly. "Didnt she kiss Holly's boyfriend?"

"You got something to say?!" Dani raises her voice, turning around looking at the people behind us.

Michael stops speaking and looks over at us. I try holding back my tears as best as I can.

"Everything ok?" Michael gives them a look.

They look at Michael and then at me and smirk. I cant do this any more. Tears start to fall from my eyes and I stand up. I grab my bag and walk out from my desk.

"Al." Dani frowns.

I quickly wipe my eyes as everyone stares at me and I quickly leave the room. I burst in to tears wanting to just run and hide away.

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