Chapter 52: Feeling Bad

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I wake up feeling like death. I thought my last hang over was bad but this beats that. I feel awful. I rub my face and moan. I slowly sit up and see Jade sleeping next to me. I sigh feeling embarrassed. I was such a mess last night.

I get up wanting a shower. I still feel a little dizzy and nauseous. At the time it seemed like a good idea getting drunk, but I really regret it. I make my way out of my room and in to the bathroom.

I stand under the warm water and close my eyes. I really dont remember much from last night. I know I need to apologise to Holly... not that I really want to, but she didnt deserve how I spoke to her. Its not her fault I'm in this situation.

I finish in the shower and get changed. Jade is still sleeping. I leave my room and go downstairs. I hear Holly and Dani talking in the kitchen... I stop before going in and listen quietly.

"She called me a bitch, and basically called me a slag. Saying I flirt with other guys behind Ryan's back." Holly scoffs.

I frown.

"I know but you know that's not Alison. She was drunk and upset... she would never say something like that normally." Dani says sticking up for me.

"Yeah she was like a completely different person." Becky says. "She was dancing with some guy too. I've never seen her be like that before."

"And she was all over Jamie." Holly scoffs. "Then she has the nerve to call me a slag."

I widen my eyes. I'm not a fucking slag! I didnt even call her a slag!

"What do you mean she was all over Jamie?" Dani asks.

"She kissed him. I mean, I feel sorry for him. Shes always friend zoning him and then she does that. Messing with his head."

I frown and run my hands through my hair. I feel even worse hearing this. I dont mean to mess Jamie around...

"Alison was all over the place last night. Shes not like that... shes just got a lot going on at the moment."

"Haven't we all?" Holly scoffs. "She flipped as soon as I mentioned Ryan and Mr Jackson. What the hell is wrong with her?"

"Its not for me to say... but you know she was kind of seeing someone?"

I widen my eyes.

"Yeah, Michael or someone?"

"Things ended badly between them. He really upset her."

"Well that's not my fau-"

I walk in to the kitchen and Holly stops what shes saying. It goes quiet while they look at me.

"Hey." Dani smiles.

I show a weak smile. Holly ignores me and Becky looks down. I clear my throat and rub my head.

"Holly... I'm sorry for last night."

She looks at me with a straight face.

"I didn't mean the things I said. I really regret it. I shouldn't have taken my feelings out on you."

Holly nods slowly.

"You dont have to be jealous of me and Ryan."

I lower my eyebrows.

"I'm not." I shake my head.

"You went crazy and told me not to flirt with other guys behind Ryan's back. Do you have a thing for Ryan too?"

"What?!" I laugh softly. "No. I don't."

She gives me a look.

"Dani says some guy has upset you? You went weird when I spoke about Mr Jackson and Ryan, and then you go dancing with random guys and kiss Jamie! I dont really know what's going on with you at the moment."

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