Chapter 69: The Way You Make Me Feel

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"Are you alright?" Michael laughs softly, picking up the pens from the floor.

"Yeah." I blush hard feeling silly and try to laugh it off as I put the pens back in the pot.

Michael puts the pens in the pot helping me, and then lays down a bunch of red roses mixed with a few sunflowers. I raise my eyebrows and smile.

"You got me more flowers?"

"I told you I'd get you more." He smiles, seeing my reaction.

I pick them up, admiring how lovely they are. They smell amazing.

"Thank you, they're beautiful." I frown and smile at how sweet he is.

"You sure you're ok?" He asks, now taking off his dark sunglasses. "You look hot." He looks me up and down.

I can see his beautiful eyes now. Wait, he just said I look hot. I smile and tuck my hair behind my ear. Michael grins.

"You always look hot." He bites his lip. "But I mean you looked flustered when I came in."

"Oh, uh, I'm fine." I shake my head.

I was just fantasizing about you...

"It's been a warm day." I smile and have to look away from his gaze.

"Yeah. It has." He agrees and then tilts his head to the side, showing a little smirk. "You looked like you were in deep thought... biting on that pen."

"Oh..." I laugh, feeling embarrassed he saw that. "I.. I've been bored... watching the time." I look over at the clock, and then see he is early. "You're 10 minutes early." I smile.

He is early again, and I just fantasised about him being 10 minutes early. Shit. Will he come behind the counter and tongue fuck me now too?! If only...

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you." He smiles. "And I'm impatient." He chuckles.

I smile and gently touch some of the roses.

"I didn't expect you to want to see me again so soon."

He gives me a look.

"Sorry I've been in the office all afternoon Al." Paul calls out.

I turn my head and see him walking over towards us. Michael looks over at him too.

"I've had so much paper work."

"That's ok." I smile. "It hasn't been busy."

"When is it ever busy?" He chuckles. "That's the last customer and you're free to go." He smiles and looks at Michael.

Paul pauses for a second and then notices the flowers. He then puts two and two together... he raises his eyebrows, looking a bit surprised. He realises the last customer is the date I told him about... Michael stares him out... Paul looks a little bit awkward and then looks at me. I literally don't know what to say or do right now. Why is Paul making this awkward?

"Thanks again Al." Paul smiles at me. "I don't suppose you could come in again tomorrow? I've got a feeling Maddison will call in sick again, but if she doesn't I'll let you know."

Michael looks at me.

"Uh yeah, sure. I don't think I'm doing anything." I nod.

"Great." He smiles. "I'll lock up. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah." I smile.

Paul takes a quick look at Michael before walking off in to his office. Well that was awkward.

"I just need to get my bag." I smile at Michael.

"Ok." He nods.

I grab my bag and then I come back out and pick up my flowers. We leave the shop together and we get in his car.

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