Chapter 23: Bad Hangover

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I wake up feeling horrible, and a bit nauseous. I slowly open my eyes feeling my head bang. So this is a hangover? Why do people do this? It's not nice. I look around the room and for a second dont realise where I am. I moan and rub my face as everything comes back to me. I've really embarrassed myself.

I sit up and rub my head. I'm glad the room has stopped spinning. I stand up needing to use the toilet, and make my way over to the bathroom.

I flush the toilet and look round the bathroom. I wash my hands and wet my face. I look in the mirror and sigh. I can't believe I'm in Michael's house.

I walk out of the bathroom and freeze when I see Michael in the room. He looks at me and I hold my arm, feeling embarrassed because of last night, and because all I'm wearing in front of him is a t-shirt. He looks me up and down.

"Hey." He says softly.

I watch him walk over to his bedside and pick up a glass of water.

"Hi." I croak.

He shows a little smile and walks towards me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Horrible." I frown.

He let's out a soft laugh.

"Take these." He says handing me some tablets. "They'll help."

I take them from him and he watches me put them in my mouth. He hands me the glass of water and I swallow them down.

"Thank you." I say as he takes the glass from me.

He looks in to my eyes.

"I can get you some towels if you want a shower?"

I pause before answering him.

"Do you mind?" I ask.

"No." He shakes his head. "You can take a shower."

I nod slowly. He smiles and leaves the room. I sit down on the bed and he comes back in with a couple of towels. He stands over me, handing me them. I look up at him and show a little smile.

"Use whatever you want in there."

He is being so sweet considering what happened last night, and the last few days.

"Thanks." I say quietly and stand up, holding the towels against me.

He glances up and down my body before leaving the bedroom. I walk back in to the bathroom and run the shower. I get undressed and let the warm water run over me. I close my eyes trying to remember everything from last night.

I think back to the argument me and Dani had. I don't remember all of it, but I definitely remember that kiss. I still can't believe that happened. Shes never mentioned she likes girls, but then why would she? And I wonder if I'm the only one who didn't know... But now thinking back on certain things its obvious to me now... I just didn't see it at the time. She really upset me with the things she said but we were both drunk... we both said things...

It goes a bit vague after I left the club. I remember telling Michael I kissed Jamie... and him unzipping my dress... Oh God, then I remember I threw up... I run my hands through my wet hair. How attractive Alison...

He looked after me last night which he didn't have to do... it was sweet of him to pick me up and let me stay here. I must have said some embarrassing stuff... I hope what I said wasn't too bad and I haven't annoyed him even more. He probably thinks I've made a fool of myself and I'm childish... I sigh wishing I didn't get so drunk. I'm not doing that again.

I wash myself with some of Michael's shower gel and then get out, wrapping a towel around my body. I feel a little more refreshed now.

I walk out of the bathroom and in to the bedroom. I notice my phone on the bed. Michael must have brought it up. I sit on the bed and look at phone. I've got so many missed calls and messages from everyone. I sigh looking through them all. They're really worried about me... I hear a knock on the bedroom door, making me turn my head. Michael walks in holding my dress.

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