Chapter 54: Need To Be Sure

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Our kiss intensifies and Michael pushes me back against the kitchen counter. He rubs his hands over my body as our lips and tongues smack against each other. We are kissing each other with so much desire and need.

Michael starts kissing down my neck roughly which makes me moan and grip his hair. I slide my hands down his chest, towards his belt. He stops and bites his lip looking at me. I look back at him and then start kissing his jaw and neck. He sighs and runs his hands through my hair while I tug at his belt, undoing it.

"Al." He says through a sigh.

I continue kissing in to him but then he holds my hands stopping me going further.

"Wait a second." He says quietly.

I breathe quickly and lower my eyebrows looking up at him.


He shakes his head.

"I've tried so hard to distance myself from you. I've tried to not let this happen again."

I frown.

"But Michael-"

"We can't Al." He frowns.

I choke up and tears cloud over my eyes.

"You've never stopped yourself before." I scoff. "I told you I dont care if you dont love me back." I cry.

"That's not how it works though." He shakes his head. "You know that. I can't do this to you again." He runs his hand through my hair and tries wiping my tears.

"But I need you Michael." I hold his hands as he wipes my tears. "I think I'm pregnant." I cry.

He stops and stares at me.

"What?" He says, looking serious.

I sniff and look down.

"I've missed a period."

He steps back and shakes his head.

"But you're on the pill?"

I try to catch my breath and wipe the rest of my tears.


"Yeah I am... but I might have taken a few a little late sometimes..."

He rubs his face looking shocked and frustrated.

"Might?! You should know how you've been taking them! Why haven't you been taking it properly?!"

"I've never been on contraception before! It's taken time for me to get used to it. I took it every day, just some times I would forget and take it a bit late..."

"Fuck." He sighs and shakes his head. "And you were drinking last weekend?!"

"I didnt think I was fucking pregnant then! What kind of person do you think I am?" I scoff. "If I thought I was pregnant alcohol is the last thing I'd drink."

He rubs his face and frowns.

"The pill isn't 100 percent effective anyway, and I'm not sure if I am pregnant yet." I frown.

"Why didn't you say something earlier?!"

"Because I was scared! I was worried how you would react and this is exactly how i thought you'd be."

"Of course I'm gonna be like this." He rubs his head looking worried.

"That's why I was crying earlier. I skipped the lecture to go buy a pregnancy test Michael."

He takes a deep breath and looks at me.

"Have you got the test with you?"

"Yeah." I say quietly.

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