Chapter 20: That's Not Your Thing

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I smile looking at Michael's text.

I'll be free at 4. Make sure you're wearing that lip balm I like.

I giggle and bite my lip. He's been giving me extra lessons again this week which I'm so happy about. We've been kissing a lot more too, but I still manage to do some work. I'm glad he didn't do what he did the last time and ignore me, because that really hurt me. It's good to know he meant it when he said he was sorry for upsetting me.

Just as I'm about to reply Dani interrupts me, grabbing my shoulders. I jump and quickly put my phone down.

"Hey!" She giggles seeing me jump.

"Dani." I sigh and laugh.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Nothing..." I raise an eyebrow and she smirks. "Why?"

"We're going shopping."

I lower my eyebrows.

"I can't..."

"Why not?"

"I was uh, going to go to the library to work on my essay."

She gives me a look.

"You can study after? I want to buy a new outfit, and I thought you could get something too? We can grab something to eat as well."

I make a face.

"A new outfit? For what?"

She gives me a look and laughs.

"Its Jamie's birthday this weekend and we're going out, remember?"

Yep. I suddenly remember and I sigh.

"Oh." She frowns. "Are you having second thoughts? You said you'd come Al."

I'm supposed to be having a driving lesson with Michael at the weekend...

"Its just.. I told my parents I'd be going home this weekend. I completely forgot..."

"Al." She frowns. "I thought we were gonna have a fun weekend together?"

I frown. She looks disappointed... and I guess I did say I would go. Plus it is Jamie's birthday, and I would feel bad if I let him down too and missed it. I can't push my friends away like that. I could always ask Michael to rearrange the lesson.

"Yeah, and we will." I smile.

She smiles widely.

"So you will stay this weekend?" She asks.

"I can't miss Jamie's party." I smirk.

She rolls her eyes and giggles.

"Good. It will be such a good night out. Now come on! Get your shoes on. Its time to shop!" She smiles and walks out of the room.

I sigh and make a face, looking at my mobile. I need to let Michael know I can't see him now...

I can't do the extra lesson today. Something's come up... sorry. Tomorrow though?

I frown and press send.


"I feel so fat in this." Becky frowns, looking at herself I'm the changing room mirror.

"You look nice." I say looking at the dress she is wearing.

"No." Holly shakes her head. "It doesn't do much for you. Try that other one on."

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