Chapter 50: In Your Dreams

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The next couple of days I dont go to my lectures. I try and hide my feelings from everyone but I'm not very good at it, and Dani can always tell when I'm lying or if I'm upset. She hasn't questioned me really though, and I think it's because shes knows I'm upset over the "boy" I'm "seeing." I guess she doesn't want to cause another argument or something. I dont really want to turn around and tell her what has happened because I'll feel like she will think I told you so.

The following week i decide to go back to my lectures. I'm so heart broken but I've taken too much time off... my attendance isn't great as it is. if I continue not to go to lessons then they will inform my parents I'm not attending... and I really dont need them screaming at me, or trying to find out what's wrong with me.

I really dont want to face Michael... I will just ignore him as best as I can. It's going to be so hard at first. I just want to quit and go back home. Michael was the only reason I really wanted to stay.

I walk in to the lecture with Dani and sit down. I completely ignore Michael, and try to act as if he isn't there. I keep my head down and I dont look at him at all for the first half of the lesson. I dont even want to hear him speak. I'm just getting angry hearing him...

I dont take any notes and I try to zone out. I look ahead and stare at the board. I see Michael look over at me a couple of times from the corner of my eye, but I dont look at him. He can look all he wants. I'm not paying him any fucking attention. Not any more.

The lecture finally ends and I feel relieved I can leave now. I dont know how I'll be able to do that every day. Maybe I really should think about just leaving. It's too hard. I've gone from wanting to see Michael so badly, to not wanting see him, or even hear him speak.

Me and Dani leave the lecture, and again I dont entertain him. I keep looking ahead, not looking any where near him.

"You ok?" Dani smiles at me.

"Yeah." I show half a smile.

"You seem down the last few days?"

"I'm ok." I smile. "I think it's just time of the month."

"Ugh yeah." She rolls her eyes. "Fucking annoying isn't it?"

"Yeah, I hate it." I nod.

"Have you spoken to Jade?" She asks.

"Um no I haven't actually... I keep forgetting to text her. Why? Are you two still texting?" I show a little smile.

"Yeah." She grins. "She told me she would text you... I've kind of invited her out Saturday."

I raise my eyebrows and smile.

"Aw no way?"

"Yeah just to hang out." Dani smiles and shrugs. "Maybe go out for drinks or something."

"That would be good." I nod. "I cant believe she hasn't text me about it!" I smirk. "Trying to keep the date a secret?"

"Its not really a date." Dani shakes her head. "You, Becky and Holly could join us. It would be fun."

I lower my eyebrows.

"You dont wanna go on a date with her? Wouldn't you want to be alone with her? You know, get to know each other?"

"Well yeah, but I get so nervous and I'm not good with dates... I've actually never had one. I thought it would be easier for her to just come to ours and hang out? I guess we would both feel more comfortable if you were there."

"I dont want you messing her around Dani." I give her a look.

She raises her eyebrows and scoffs.

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