Chapter 13: Hanging Out

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Jamie walks in to the lounge holding two cans of Dr Pepper and a bag of popcorn. I smile. He sits down next to me and hands me a can.

"Thanks." I say opening it.

"I don't mind if you wanna watch a chick flick or something?"

I lower my eyebrows, taking a sip of my drink.

"I'm not really in to them kind of films... and that's stereotyping." I smirk.

He laughs.

"No, I just want you to pick something you like. I'm cool with Mean Girls or something." He chuckles.

I raise an eyebrow. Although, I do like Mean Girls.

"You dont like Back to the Future?" I ask.

"Yeah of course. it's a classic!"

"Well good, because that's what I picked."

"Ok." He smiles and gets up, putting it on TV. "You've got good taste."

I smile and he sits back down next to me. I felt a little bit uncomfortable being alone here with Jamie at first, but now I feel a bit more relaxed. I just need to focus on the film now.

I find myself thinking of Michael now and again while I'm trying to watch the movie. Ugh why cant I fucking do anything without having him on my mind?! I sigh under my breath and pick up the bag of pop corn.

"You ok?" Jamie asks, looking at me.

"Yeah." I smile and eat some popcorn.

"Movie not making you feel any better?" He asks.

"I think I'm just worrying about my recent assignment."

He nods.

"Well take your teachers advice and forget about it until Monday." He smiles.

"Easier said than done." I frown.

"Was your assignment that bad?" He asks with a little laugh.

"I wasn't far off a fail."

"Oh... so you passed?"

"Well yeah, but it's not that... I'm just finding the work a bit hard and I want to do better."

"Mmm..." He nods. "Uni ain't easy."

"No." I frown.

"But you're a smart girl. Theres so much you can do to up your grades, and at least you're not failing. That's the main thing. It's a lot to deal with in your first year, and just remember you're not alone. I'm pretty sure most students struggle now and again... I know I do."

I nod.

"That's true..."

He smiles and then looks at the TV.

"We're missing the best part."

I chuckle and fix my eyes back on to the TV.

The film ends but I find myself just staring a the credits. I feel something hit me, snapping me out of my trance i see some popcorn fall on to my lap. I smile and look at Jamie. He chuckles.

"I just asked if you wanted to watch another movie?"

"Um what's the time?" I ask.

He takes his mobile out, looking at the time.

"Almost 4."

"I would, but my dad is picking me up soon. I need to go pack some of my things."

"Oh you're going to your parents this weekend?"

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