Chapter 93: Je vous adore

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I breathe heavily after our third round of sex, and after just having the most intense set of orgasms. I close my eyes and bite lip, letting my body come down. I'm so hot and sticky. Me and Michael had a good couple of hours making love just then. Well, the first round was us making love, the second was us half making love and half fucking each other, and the third round was pure, hot and sexy fucking. We definitely went hard and rough the third time and now I'm weak!

I stay laying on the bed with my arms above my head, until my heart goes back to it's normal rhythm. I want to laugh when I look at Michael because he looks like he has almost passed out. His hair is all cute and messy and his cheeks are slightly red.

"Michael." I sigh.

"Yeah?" He licks his lips, keeping his eyes closed.

I bring my arms down from above my head.

"Can you take these off now?" I laugh softly and pull on the handcuffs.

He opens his eyes and smiles.

"I can't remember where I put the key?"

I widen my eyes.

"Don't even joke about that." I laugh.

I watch him get off of the bed and he walks over to the dressing table searching for it.

"Oh, I thought I put it over here?" He looks back at me and makes a face.

"What? Well where is it?" I start to worry a little bit and sit up, looking around for the key.

"Don't panic baby, I'll find it." He smirks. "Failing that, you'll just have to stay handcuffed for the remaining of the trip."

"Michael." I frown and laugh softly.

He grins and then comes back on to the bed.

"Aren't you gonna look for the key?" I give him a look.

"Oh, yeah. Maybe it's on the bed?" He starts looking over the sheets. "Nope." He shakes his head.

"Oh my god. I'm actually stuck in these. How am I going to get them off?!" I make a face.

He looks at me and then squints his eyes.

"What?" I lower my eyebrows.

"Stay still." He says crawling closer to me.

He tucks my hair behind my ear and then smiles.

"I think I found the key." He says it like he has just performed a magic trick and dangles the key in front of me.

I open my mouth. I can't believe him.

"What the hell?" I laugh and give him a look.

"It was behind your ear all along." He smirks and holds my wrists, unlocking the handcuffs.

"You worried me." I make a face and then grab his neck, pulling him on top of me.

"Sorry." He laughs and kisses my lips.

I pull back and look in to his eyes.

"Next time you're going to be the one in handcuffs." I smirk. "And I'll lose the key on purpose." I raise my eyebrows.

"Oooh, feisty. I like it." Michael smiles and kisses my neck. "I guess I'm going to have to put the spare key some where safe." He chuckles.

"I didn't know there was a spare key..." I give him a look.

He laughs and bites his lip. I giggle and shake my head.

"It was fun though huh?" He grins. "You liked the vibrator."

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