Chapter 14: Michael's Car

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At first I'm frozen with shock. I never expected to see him here! I didn't think he lived around here? Oh shit! He hasn't seen me yet though...

"Excuse me?"

I look at the customer waiting to be served, not saying anything. She lowers her eyebrows.

"Can I get a coffee to take away please?"

I dont respond to her. I'm freaking out a little bit. I've got bigger things to worry about than getting this old woman a coffee. I turn around too quickly and bump in to my mom.

"Al!" She says, almost spilling a cup of tea down herself.

"Sorry. I need to use the toilet." I quickly walk past her.

"Cant you wait? Theres a lot of customers and Julie is on her break."

"No. I cant."

She gives me a look and sighs, continuing to serve her customer.

"Well be quick."

I rush off in to the toilet. My heart is beating so fast. I cant believe he is here! In my moms coffee shop! I look at myself in the mirror, checking myself out. I start finger combing my hair, trying to make myself look a bit better. Why didn't I make more of an effort with my looks today? The day I cant be bothered Michael turns up! Typical.

I sigh, continuing to touch up my hair. I remember I have some red cherry lip balm in my jean pocket. I take it out and apply some, sucking my lips together.

I shake my head and put my lip balm away, feeling silly. Why am I freaking out and trying to freshen up? He isn't going to care what I look like. I clear my throat and sigh, trying to pluck up the courage to go back out there. I'm so nervous... it's weird seeing him out of campus. I take a deep breath and leave the toilets, making my way back outside.

Fuck... my mom is serving Michael! I try to avoid looking at him as I walk behind my mom.

"Fancy helping out now?" My mom asks, looking at me.

I hold my breath, standing next to my mom now, looking at the next customer. I'm trying so hard not to look at Michael.

"Hi, what can I get you?" I ask the customer.

"Hey, Alison." Michael smiles, sounding a bit surprised.

My eyes look straight at Michael now. I see his smile, and I instantly smile back with butterflies returning in my stomach.

"Oh, hey!" Wow calm down Al. That was way too exaggerated.

"Can I get two iced coffees please?" My customer asks, taking my attention away from Michael.

"Yeah sure." I reply quickly, feeling my cheeks heating up.

My mom looks at me. I feel so nervous I'm shaking a little! I quickly make the iced coffees.

"How do you know each other?" My mom asks Michael.

"He's Mic- my teacher." I quickly correct myself.

"Yeah." Michael lets out a soft laugh.

"Oh, well it's very nice to meet you." My mom smiles widely as she prepares his drink. "I'm Alison's mom."

"Its nice to meet you too." He nods.

"So, how is Alison doing?" She asks.

Ugh, does she have to ask him that? I'm right here. I give the customer their drinks and take the money from them. Michael looks at me.

"She's doing great."

I'm not though? Well I wouldn't say I'm doing great. My mom smiles and looks at me.

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