Chapter 6: You Don't See It

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I really wish I was at home right now! I'm having such a panic attack thinking about tonight. I don't want to go! I have work to do too... The girls are already all dressed up and drinking downstairs, while I'm just staring at my wardrobe. I don't know what I should wear? I haven't really got any going out clothes. Theres a knock on my door. I clear my throat.

"Yeah?" I call out.

The door opens and Dani appears. Shes holding a glass of wine. She smiles at me and walks in, closing the door behind her.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Yeah." I nod. "Just freaking out."

She sits next to me on my bed and hands me the glass of wine. I look at it and take a sip.

"Please dont Al." She frowns. "Want me to help you pick an outfit?"

I smile.

"Yeah. I've been staring at my wardrobe for the last half an hour."

She giggles and stands up going over to my wardrobe.

"I dont know why you are worrying. You have loads of cute stuff. How about this skirt? With... this top?" She says taking out my clothes.

I look at the black skirt and white lace top. I nod and smile.

"I'll try it."

"Good." She smiles. "The white will really bring out your new hair colour too."

I take the clothes and turn my back on Dani as I get changed in to them. I turn around and look at her. She looks me up and down and smiles.

"That wasnt so hard was it? You look amazing."

"Thanks." I smile and then look in the mirror.

I do look good. It's not over the top either.

"Do you want me to help you with your makeup?" She asks.

"Um sure." I nod and sit down.

She grabs my makeup bag and smiles sitting next to me.

"I dont want loads of makeup." I say looking at her.

"No you dont need loads. You're pretty enough already."

I smile and roll my eyes.

"Stop with the compliments."

"Why?" She chuckles. "Its true!"

I giggle and shake my head. She stares at me as she starts applying some blush.

"You have such amazing skin. It's so soft and clear."

"You think so?"

"Yeah! It's better than mine."

"You have good skin too Dani."

"No I dont. I'm always having to cover up spots."

"I get spots too."

"I cant see any on you! You're lucky."

We both chuckle. She applies a little bit of brown eyeshadow, and then some mascara.

"Pout your lips." She smiles.

I pout them and she gently applies lipgloss to my lips. She looks in to my eyes and then back at my lips.

"You even have perfect lips."

I roll my eyes and sit back, smacking my lips together.

"Will you stop." I laugh. "I'm not perfect."

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