Chapter 84: Junk

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I reach over my seat to get the lunch from the back seats.

"I got us a chicken sandwich-"

"Come here." Michael stops me and holds my arm, leaning towards me.

He smiles as his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips and he kisses me slowly, gradually deepening the kiss. He places his hand on my knee and slides it under my dress. I pull away from his lips and show a little smile as I look down. Michael stares at me, keeping his face close to mine still.

"What's wrong?" He asks softly.

I look up to his eyes and stare at him for a couple of seconds.

"I... I don't have long." I shake my head.

"What do you mean?" He lowers his eyebrows.

I look down and start to take out the sandwiches.

"I'm working this afternoon."

"Oh." He nods slowly and then leans back in his seat. "Well, thanks for coming to see me, and bringing me lunch." He smiles. "It's nice."

I hold out his sandwich and smile. We begin to eat in silence. Michael looks at me as he slowly chews the bite of his sandwich. I stare over at the school as I take a little bite of my food. I'm not hungry right now.

"You're quiet." He says, putting down his sandwich.

I glance at him as I swallow my food and look back at the school. I feel him still looking at me.

"You've been acting weird since Sunday, after I dropped you back at your parents."

I don't say anything and continue to stare out of the window, not eating any more of my sandwich.

"Al?" Michael lowers his eyebrows. "I'm worried about you. What's wrong?"

"You finished work late yesterday?" I look at him now.

He makes a face and nods.

"Yeah? Why are you-"

"Did you have work to catch up on?" I ask.

"Sometimes I stay a little while to plan what I'm teaching for the next day, or if I've got work to mark. I prefer to do it at the school than at home sometimes. I'm sorry I text you late, but i thought you were spending time with your mom?"

I nod and look back out of the window.

"And you said you had a good time last night? Things are better between you and her?"

"Yeah, sort of." I nod.

"Sort of?" He makes a face.

"She hasn't completely come around to the idea of me and you being together yet, which I don't expect her to. It's still hard for her. Especially since everything got brought back up." I sigh. "All the stuff that happened in the past."

Michael licks his lips and looks down. He goes a bit quiet and then looks at me again.

"Yeah, that's understandable. At least you and your mom spoke and you had a good time. That's something isn't it?"

I nod slowly.

"My dad is still ignoring me." I shrug.

"He'll come around eventually too." Michael frowns. "Your parents are just taking things step by step. We knew them knowing about us wasn't going to be easy, but it will get better."

"Yeah." I say quietly.

It goes silent again and Michael takes another bite of his sandwich, but I leave the rest of mine. He notices I'm not eating and frowns.

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