Chapter 29: Annoying Customer

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For the next couple of weeks things are a bit quiet between me and Michael. He hasn't been ignoring me... but I get the feeling he's backed away from me a little bit again. I didn't want that to happen but for some reason I'm backing off too, and maybe that's because I'm falling for him. I think I'm still embarrassed about what happened on our date, and maybe a little bit hurt. I felt ok in the end because Michael was being really nice about it all, but at the same time I just wish he wanted to have sex with me. I still wonder if he would have if I didn't tell him I was a virgin...

We haven't started the driving lessons either, but I guess that's because he is busy... hes a teacher after all...

I've not seen him much around campus recently, so maybe he is avoiding me? I just dont know any more. I'm fed up with constantly arguing with myself about the situation, wondering if he is genuine with me or not.


I stare at Michael's number, wondering if I should text him. I could just let him know I'm at my parents this weekend? Maybe he will come see me... but maybe not. He knows I've been different with him too though, so he probably wouldn't even reply. Ugh, why is everything so difficult?! Why can't things just be simple and I just tell him how I really feel? And I just wish he would tell me how he feels. I never know what hes feeling... well one minute I think I do, and then the next I dont. I guess things would be much simpler if he wasn't my teacher.

"Are you sure you don't mind taking over at the coffee shop tomorrow Al?" My mom asks.

"Nope. I've got nothing else to do, so why not?" I sigh. "You and dad go have a fun weekend away. Leave me here to do your dirty work."

My dad laughs.

"Al me and your mom rarely go away together."

"We're only going away because you've got a meeting about your new book." My mom gives him a look.

"Honey, I was planning on taking you some where before that." He smirks.

"Of course you were." She chuckles. "But I know this is Important for you."

"Yeah, if it goes well I could get a big deal out of this."

"Im sure it will." I smile. "You're an amazing writer dad."

"Thank you Al." He smiles. "We'll go on a family holiday soon. It won't be long until you get a break from Uni."

I nod.

"Yeah... I need one." I look down at my phone.

"You deserve one." My dad smiles.

I let out a soft laugh. I fucking do.


"Call me if you need anything." My mom smiles hugging me.

"I'll be ok." I roll my eyes. "I think I can handle being in the shop on my own."

"Well... just remember to lock up and everything."

"Yes." I sigh.

She smiles and kisses my cheek. My dad hugs me and rubs my head.

"Good luck dad." I smile.

"Thanks Al. I'll let you know how it goes."

"Ok." I nod.

"See you Sunday." My mom smiles as they leave the house.

"Have fun." I make a face and raise my eyebrows.

I sigh and go upstairs to get ready. This weekend is going to be a load of fun... I roll my eyes. I kind of regret saying I'd look after the coffee shop now. I'd rather just stay in bed... or I wish I could have just gone with my parents, but I guess it would be nice for them to do something together for once.

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