Chapter 11: Tired Eyes

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I had a nice rest over the weekend at my parents, but since being back at Campus I've been nothing but stressed over the last couple of days, trying to write out my assignment. Dani has tried to help me and I've tried not to copy her work because that's something I definitely don't do is copy, and it will only get us in to trouble. The deadline is tomorrow and I've still got 1000 words left to write. I'm freaking out that I'm not going to be able to get it done in time, so I stay up most of the night trying to finish it.

I find myself dozing off now and again, hearing birds chirping outside. But soon enough my alarm starts ringing. I moan and turn it off. I sigh and rub my face, feeling exhausted from so much lack of sleep. I look down at my assignment and frown. I think I finally finished it in the end... I cant be sure I made up the word count but I think it's done. Im not feeling good about it though.

I take a shower and try and wake myself up. I go down in to the kitchen. Dani is sitting at the table. She looks up at me and frowns.

"Here. Have some coffee." She says, holding up a mug for me.

"Thanks." I sigh and take it from her.

"Did you finish it?"

"I think so." I sip the coffee. "I'll probably fail it but it's done." I shrug.

"Well I helped you, so you shouldn't fail it." She smirks.

I smile.

"Thanks for giving me some advice."

"That's what friends are for." She smiles. "And at least it's done now. Try to forget about it for a little while."

"You mean until we get our results back in like a week?"

"Yeah." She giggles.

I smirk.

"Woa you look ruff this morning." Holly says coming in to the kitchen, looking at me.

"Thanks." I scoff.

"Shes been trying to finish her assignment." Dani says, giving her a look.

"Dont worry babe. You look how I feel. All my work is getting to me too... the more we get through uni the more work we're getting."

"Mmm." I sigh.

"Doesn't help that Ryan keeps distracting me too." She smirks.

I show half a smile and instantly think of Michael. He is distracting me too, but in a completely different way... like hes on my mind a lot...

Me and Dani get our things and head to our lecture.

"I feel like a walking zombie." I groan.

"You'll have a good sleep tonight." Dani smiles.

"No. I'll be wide awake as soon as I get in to bed."

She frowns.

"Take them pills I gave you."

"Yeah..." I nod. "Do I look that bad?" I ask, thinking of what Holly said.

I'm feeling a bit self conscious now. I dont want Michael to think I look horrible... like he probably cares... I start finger combing my hair as we get closer to our class.

"No. Dont listen to Holly." Dani makes a face. "You always look good."

"Thanks." I show half a smile.

"You're not like her. You don't need to wear loads of makeup to look good... and anyway, you haven't been sleeping. You just look a bit tired, that's all."

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