49. Arrival

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It was late in the afternoon when Ajax and Huntley arrived at the hot spring resort spa. It was cloudy and a bit foggy since they were far above the mainland.

Ajax and Huntley entered the resort and was greeted by the owner.

"Welcome. My name is Addy. I hope you enjoy your stay at our resort spa."

"I am Huntley." Huntley said as he shook Addy's hand. "And, this my brother Ajax."

Ajax and Addy shook hands as well. When Addy's hand touched Ajax's, it seemed he was teleported to a dark place.

Ajax took his hand back from Addy, as the spa owner was gripping his hand too tightly.

"My apologizes." Addy said as he released Ajax's hand.

"It's okay."

"I am sorry I did not inform that I would be needing two rooms."

"That's okay. We have plenty of rooms." Addy began to say. "In fact, you two are our only guests. It's mid-week."

Addy laughed. Huntley laughed along with Addy just to be polite.

Henry was coming down from the hallway. He went straight to Addy.

"This Henry." Addy said. "He'll take you to your rooms. It's an adjoining room. Henry will show how to separate the two rooms should you need some privacy."

"Okay." Huntley replied.

"Dinner is served at 730. Do you have any special requests?"

Huntley and Ajax just looked at each.

"Nope. We're good."

Henry led them to their rooms. He served them tea and ginger bread cookies in the adjoining communal room before leaving their guests.

Henry, then, went outside. He ran almost like a blur putting stones at the four corners of the resort.

Inside the admin office.

"Have you securely installed the stones?"


On the chabudai, there was a black earthen concave with four stones submerged in water.

Addy hovered his hands on top of the bowl and chanted.

"Iparraldeko jainkoa galdetzen dut, babestu.
(I ask the Northern god, protect us.)

Ekialdeko jainkoa galdetzen dut, babestu.
(I ask the Eastern god, protect us.)

Hegoaldeko jainkoa galdetzen dut, babestu.
(I ask the Southern god, protect us.)

Mendebaldeko jainkoa galdetzen dut, babestu.
(I ask the Western god, protect us.)"

--- end of chapter ---

--- end of chapter ---

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