102. Return of gorputz fisikoa

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AS THORN WAS MAKING HIS DEMANDS, Henry got impatient. He stood up and walked beside North. He, then, placed his right hand on top of North's head. North and Thorn cried in pain.

"You listen to me." Henry said. "You have no right to demand anything."

"Fuck you!" Thorn said.

"No, thank you."

Henry teased. He, then, blasted North more of his energy which made North and Thorn wailed in pain again.

"Enough!" Thorn said.

"Return North's gorputz fisikoa now!"

Thorn was silent. He looked at Sacha.

"For your sake, my lord, we should do as he says. We cannot fight them now. Not in your condition or mine." Sacha said.

Henry blasted his energy again into North.

"Ahhhhhh ...!" Thorn cried. "Okay!"

Thorn knew that there was nothing he could do at the moment. With his powers temporarily impotent and Sacha's almost depleted energy, he knew that Henry could kill them both with a snap of a finger.

Sacha brought North's gorputz fisikoa which was laying perfectly still on a bed with rollers. Sacha took the Mirror of Medusa and held at the end of the bed of North's body.

"Medusa ispilua, garraiatzeko gorputz fisikoa hau dagokion jabeari."

(Mirror of Medusa, transport this physical body to its rightful owner.)

After saying the incantation, Sacha released the Mirror of Medusa from his hands and it floated by itself. It, then, became bigger as big as house door. After that, it began to move engulfing North's body beginning from the feet.

Inside the cave, the body of North began to appear. It happened so fast that within minutes North's body was completed teleportation to its owner.

"Good." Henry said. "Now, Thorn removed the poison spell in North's body."

"In my state, I cannot do." Thorn answered.

Henry blasted another wave of his energy into North. Once again, North and Thorn cried.

"I am not lying to you. Do you think if I have full powers, you can easily subdue me?" Thorn breathing was labored. "Though, you can help me remove it."

"How?" Henry asked.

"Henry, it might be a trick." Addy whispered.

"Addy is right." North concurred.

"We do not have any choice." Henry said. "We have to trust your bastard brother if we want you to live." Henry said to North and Addy.

"Okay. I will cooperate. But, I warn you, at any time I feel you are tricking us, I will end your life, do you understand?"

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