55. Ground Zero

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A vehicle approached the resort. The car stopped and Illac came out from the passenger's seat.

He saw the absolute damage of the place. Smoke filled the area and burning amber every where. Smell of burnt wood, metal, rubber etc., prevailed in the air. Fortunately, the weather was cold and the dampness of the surrounds prevented it from starting a wildfire up in the mountain. Nonetheless, the destruction was so great that it seemed a single bomb with tenth degree power was dropped to the resort.

Luck seemed to be at Henry's side, as Illac missed him by almost sixty seconds. This very brief moment gave Henry a great distance away from their pursuers whoever they might be. A minute could mean that Henry might had ran a quarter of a mile away from the resort.

"Holy fuck!" Tanner exclaimed as he got out of the car.

He saw Illac was half kneeling on the ground touching something on the debris. Illac had blue dust in his hands.

"What is going on?"

Illac placed his index finger on his lips as he looked at Tanner. He, then, placed his right ear on the ground near the blue dust and closed his eyes.

First, he saw nothing. Then flashes of light - the explosion. Then, like a video being rewind, Illac saw what happened in reversed.

That was Illac special power to see the past something when he touched in a frame of sixty seconds. He saw the explosion but not Ajax's face as he was already consumed by Adamahns' blue flame. He saw the survival of the explosion. He saw Henry carrying Huntley's body on his back. Then, he saw Addy casting a spell to make the prince of Adamah visible.

Illac's eyes were glowing as he used his power.

"Illac, I think, it is time for us to go." Tanner said as he heard sirens.

Tanner went inside the car and started the engine. Illac got off from the ground and got into the car.

Tanner drove away from the scene and took the road to the right as he saw lights coming from the left. He, then, turned off the engine and waiting for the vehicles to pass them by.

Tanner could see from the rear mirror were the police cars, ambulances and firetrucks headed to the ground zero. When the last of the rescuing team had passed, h started the car and drove away from the mountain undetected.

--- end of chapter ---

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