87. The Last Day of Amethystos

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As the season turned, so were the lives of Adamahn race. The Last Day of Amethystos was considered to be the most sacred and festive day in the Adamahn's calendar. In fact, it was the only celebration commemorated in Adamah besides from the birth of the Adamahn gods and goddess (or royalties by birth right or ordination), nothing else was ever allowed to be celebrated in Adamah. Anyone who was lesser than the gods and goddess celebrated their came to be on the day of the Amethystos.

It was the end of the old year and beginning of the new year. There used to be a grand celebration in all corners of the Adamah. From the North, South, East and West festive merry making could be experienced everywhere.

The day of the Amethystos was also considered to be a day of love and lust. A tradition and belief that couples who sexually connected on this day and conceived a child on the day of the Amethystos would be blessed by a child god or goddess. A god or goddess born of commoner's lineage. Thus, on the day of the Amethystos starting at noon to midnight, married couples copulate and all others fornicate in the hope that their acts would bear fruit and bring them blessedness.

However, like the fragility of the seasons, everything changed. And, so did the day of the Amethystos. The day of great celebration became the day of anguish and sorrow. As the day of Amethystos became the day of Great War. The day when hundreds of clans in Adamah was obliterated.

The day of Amethystos became Heriotzaren eguna (the day of Death)

Adamah was like the a sleeping drunken giant. After the effect of intoxication wore off, it seemed his eyes saw for the first time what ugliness and evilness looked like that dwelt in the hearts of every Adamahns.

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