117. Part II: In the canyon of a thousand echoes

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"AHHH!" North cried in pain as he moved abruptly.

"Easy," Oisin said.

North moved until his back was leaning against the wall of the cave and he was able to sit properly on the ground.

"He's with Henry." Oisin said as he helped North.

No sooner when Oisin said that, Henry and Helios entered the chamber. North wanted to stand up and run towards Helios, however, Oisin stopped him by holding onto his left shoulder.

"Stay down." Oisin warned North.

North could see the seriousness in Oisin's eyes and did as he was told.

Henry guided Helios next to North. Helios slowly sat beside North. Once, he was seated, North kissed Helios on the lips and Helios kissed him back.

"What happened to you?" North said feeling guilty that he was not able to protect Helios. "You are burning up."

"What?" Addy said as he entered the chamber.

Addy, immediately, looked at Helios' wounds. He first saw the wound on Helios' right leg. Though, it was bleeding a bit, it was not fatal. Addy inspected Helios other leg, nothing. Then, he touched Helios left arm.

"ARGH!!!" Helios wailed in pain.

Addy, then, looked at Helios' back and saw blood on Helios' left shoulder. He ripped the garment and saw the arrow's head impaled in Helios' flesh. The surrounding of the wound was discolored and green cobwebs were visible almost as large as his palm.

Oisin and Henry saw Helios' nasty wound. Oisin, immediately, knelt beside Helios and Addy.

"We need to remove the iron tip now. I think it is poisoned." Oisin as he pulled out his dagger.

"No, Oisin!" North said. "True, the arrowhead is poisoned. But you'll only make it worse, if you remove it right away."

"Why?" Henry inquired.

"A Vatr's arrowhead, if impaled in the flesh for more than a minute, it will start to implant its roots in the host's body. Removing it without killing the roots first will only make the poison spread as twice as fast."

North paused.

"Those green cobweb veins are the roots." North said.

"How do remove it?" Oisin asked. "I can feel the poison is spreading fast." He said as he checked Helios' pulse.

Addy tore Helios garment some more and saw the poisonous cobweb doubled in size.

--- end of chapter ---

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