1. Leo X Reader: Body Swap!?

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Requested from Lordexplosionmrder

I'm not really sure what pronouns to use for the reader but for now they/them (unless you want me to change it after I published this)


During one of Donnie's attempts to uncover secrets about the Hidden City's mystic mysteries, an unfortunate mishap happened between Leo and (Y/N).

Raph and Mikey hold back (Y/N) who's currently stuck in Leo's body glaring at the purple turtle while in the living room April tries to calm down Leo who has (Y/N)'s body.

"This can't be happening?!" Leo constantly repeated that phrase before he almost pinched his or (Y/N)'s cheek for the fourth time.

April managed to grab (Y/N)'s wrist before that happened.

"They're also going to be upset with you Leo when they find out about their sore face." April said.

Leo immediately stopped but slump towards an unoccupied bean bag.

April felt bad for both of her friends and went over for a few seconds to check on (Y/N). Mikey divert (Y/N)'s attention by watching random videos he had in his watch later list. (Y/N) was less agitated but still had that glaring look while watching a person prepare a miniature version of a pizza. She went back to Leo who's now covering his face.

"I almost got to ask them out before Donnie's experiment thingy..." Leo said as a blush covers (Y/N)'s face.

Leo gets up instantly after noticing April staring back at him.

"Please don't tell me you heard any of that..." Leo groaned.

"Only that bit but thankfully (Y/N) is sort of chill right now." April said.

Leo sighed in relief before looking down.

"To be honest..., I was speechless when me and (Y/N) accidentally swap bodies." "I couldn't really move after seeing their reflection near a window and hoo boy I could talk like Donnie just describing them but... I have no idea if they feel the same way considering that glaring look they gave to Donnie..." Leo said.

"Before the body swap, did you went with a typical one liner approach or tried something else?" April asked.

"I can't think of any good one liners about (Y/N)! Ugh! I just asked if they were free to hang out before this incident..." Leo sighed.

"You're not doing so good after you told me your crush on (Y/N) last week." April said.

"Nope!" Leo said.

April noticed the time changing to 11 pm on her phone and pulls Leo up.

"Luckily there's no school this Monday so you can sleep over at my place Leo." April said.

Leo nodded at April and went over to check on (Y/N). One of Mikey's pillow forts was near the  bottom floor of the skate ramp and sees Mikey getting up. Mikey gave a shush gesture to Leo and April and the three go to the sewer ladders.

"(Y/N) didn't want to sleep in your room Leo because they were afraid of poking through your stuff. (Y/N) almost fell asleep watching some cleaning video game and suggested to sleep in the living room but I stopped them as I was getting the stuff for the pillow fort. They went out like a light after I finished making the pillow fort." Mikey said.

"Huh. I don't mind them sleeping-" Leo said before covering his mouth.

Mikey tilted his head confused at Leo's sudden pause but April slowly pushed Mikey to his room.

"It's been a long day for all of you guys. Try to get some sleep okay." April said.

"Okay. Good night you two." Mikey said as he gets ready for bed.

April slowly shut the door to Mikey's room and sprinted to where Leo was.

"That was a close call there Leo." April said.

"Don't remind me..." Leo said as he starts climbing the sewer ladder.


Near a rooftop around 6:05 pm...

Both Leo and (Y/N) are sitting back to shell after five minutes for Donnie's plan to reverse the body swap process. (Y/N) decided to break to silence by continuing the chat before yesterday's events.

"You said 'You wanted to hang out right Leo?'" (Y/N) asked.

Leo shook up but answered back to (Y/N).

"Yep! Just the two of us! Wandering around the rest of New York City!" Leo said.

"Okay... You sure you're feeling alright since last week?" (Y/N) said.

Leo gulped and let out a sigh.

"I'm really confused what to feel at this moment and that glare you gave to Donnie, isn't really helping at all." Leo said.

(Y/N) thought for a couple of seconds and looked at themselves slightly shaking. Then their eyes lit up realizing something. As that happened a light blue and (f/c) lights transform the two teens back to normal.

Leo cowered in fear expecting (Y/N)'s words of rejection but felt a tap on his shoulder as he looked up. He sees (Y/N)'s smiling face at him as he stared with a couple of tears running down his cheek.

"W-Wait... We're back to our regular selves?!" Leo said as he got up and looked at his own hands.

"These mystic types know how to communicate properly sometimes..." (Y/N) said as they hold their own arm with the other.

"Sorry I took so long to notice your feelings just now..." (Y/N) said annoyed at themselves.

"N-No no no no, I'm much better now that I see your smile (Y/N)." Leo said as he placed his hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders.

The two blushed at each other at this sudden gesture until they broke down laughing after a few seconds.

"It's been a long while you did something this corny Leo." (Y/N) said.

Leo wiped away his tears from laughing and proceed to nuzzle (Y/N)'s cheek causing (Y/N) to blush in return.


A bit of a challenging prompt but I'm content with the result though

Not really sure I did the body swap prompt correctly but I'm willing to make some changes if that's okay

Feel free to leave comments (its nice to read them ^ v ^) and some criticisms  

Edits [August 17, 2019]: Deleting requests as well as one grammar mistake

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