Down goes Gryffindor.

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I'm drawn out of my thoughts when Professor Snape storms into the room slamming the door and windows shut. I don't bother asking why he's here, unlike Potter does.

Instead I open my book, turning to the page 394 while ignoring Draco's glances.

I had left the great hall this morning as soon as Dumbledore had told me I could. Leaving my friends to sleep, so I hadn't talked to any of them since yesterday and I hadn't bothered to go to breakfast.

I simply got ready in my dorm and waited for class to start. Ignoring any attempts at conversation from the girls. And walking quietly to class taking a seat in the middle of the room. I wasn't surprised when Draco took the spot beside me.

We were learning about werewolves, which was odd we weren't supposed to be learning about this for weeks; Which granger bluntly pointed out. But I suppose Snape had his ways of warning students.

" Which one of you can tell me the difference between a Animagus and a werewolf." he asks in his nasally voice. I roll my eyes when Granger's hand shoots up, " No one, how disappointing." he drones glancing at me.

I raise my hand about halfway, not bothering to offer my usual polite smile when I do. Granger looks at me before raising her hand higher.

He just looks at the two of us before Granger loses her patience, " Please sir, an animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. with each full moon when he transforms he no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his bestfriend if you cross his path." she pauses and I let my hand fall to the desk with a thud, earning a glance from Draco and Crabbe.

She continues " Furthermore the werewolf only responds to the call of it's own kind." she finishes. Draco turns to me making a howling sound, Before smirking at me And I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.

" Thank you, Mr. Malfoy." Snape drones before turning to Granger. " That is the second time you've spoken out of term Miss. Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself, or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all." he asks tilting his head at Granger, and I snicker quietly to myself.

He stands quietly looking at granger before continuing " Five points from Gryffindor." He drones as he turns back to the screen. He rambles on but I don't pay much attention to what he's saying. Instead I look over to Draco who's scribbling on a piece of paper. I lean closer to look over his arm, almost laughing out loud at the drawing of Potter and his broom being struck by lightning.

Draco grins at me before folding it into a bird, and letting it fly towards Potter. Raising his eyebrows at him when it lands on his desk. He stares down at it furrowing his brows, before shooting a glare in our direction.

I lean closer to Draco " I think it's safe to say art, isn't your thing." I tease him my voice quiet. He turns to me with a scowl, I smirk at him before turning back towards Snape.


As soon as were dismissed I quickly shove my books into my bag, and walk swiftly out of the room. Passing most people who were still in their seats and ignoring a glare from Draco.

I walk down the corridor, not turning when I hear footsteps behind me. And ignoring him when he's suddenly at my side.

" What's with you?" he asks his voice annoyed, I ignore him. He grabs my arm turning me to face him " What's wrong with you today?" His voice is angry now, he's not used to people ignoring him. I roll my eyes trying to pull my arm from his grip, only resulting in it tightening.

" Nothing, geez Draco let go." I hiss tugging trying again to tug my arm free. He loosens his grip but doesn't let go " Why are you avoiding us?" he asks his brows furrowed. I don't actually have an answer for that, I wasn't particularly going out of my way to avoid them. I was simply keeping to myself.

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