The great return, that wasn't so great.

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 " Ellie come here." I look at him he motions for me to stand behind him, I shake my head. 
" Suit yourself." he frowns.

he raises his hand towards the chamber  and starts to whisper to it, it starts to open. I step back as I watch the snake slithers out of the statue.

" No please don't open it!" I plead but he doesn't listen he just looks at me, " Forgive me." I give him a questioning look before I'm thrown back against the wall, and everything goes black.


" Ellie," someone's shaking my shoulder and I groan. " Ellie, come on get up we have to go." I register Harry's voice and open my eye's.

Suddenly remembering where I am I sit up with a jolt, holding my aching head " Harry what happened?" he looks concerned. " Are you alright?" I ask worried.

He nods " Voldemort is gone," I look around and sigh " Why'd you come down here?" Harry asks,
" He tricked me, he told me he'd free Ginny if I did. he lied." I frown at him.

I turn noticing Ginny and stand up, I stumble but gain my ground. " Ginny are you alright?" I question looking her up and down. " I'm alright," I nod.

" Ellie, why'd you do it?" I turn to him tilting my head, " He could've killed you, you could've just ignored him and you wouldn't be here." Harry says scowling. " I thought I could help." I say quietly. he narrows his eyes but then a slight smile appears on his face. " Come on let's go find Dumbledore."


"You all realize, that you've broken at least a dozen school rules?" we all nod " I have enough evidence to have you three expelled." I look up from the floor with horror, " Yes sir." Harry and Ron say, Dumbledore turns to me " yes sir." I say quietly.

" Therefore it is only fitting that you all receive, special awards for services to the school." My eyes widen, Harry and Ron look at each other smiling. Is this what it's like to be a Gryffindor?

" Thank you, sir." Harry and Ron say, He stands up holding papers out to Ron " if you would, Have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban prison. I believe we want our game keeper back." Ron nods leaving the room and Dumbledore turns to Harry.

" Harry, first I want to thank you. You must've showed me real loyalty down in the chamber, Nothing but that would've called fawkes to you." he motions to the Phoenix.

" And second. I sense that something is troubling you, am I right Harry?" Suddenly I feel I shouldn't be here, but I haven't been dismissed so I stay where I am. " It's just, you see sir I couldn't help but notice, certain similarities between Tom Riddle and me." Harry pauses looking at me and I look to Dumbledore, " I will speak with you later, for now head to your common room." I nod and walk out the door.


I'm walking to the common room when I spy Draco and Blaise, " Ellie, Where have you been?" Draco asks, " Yeah you disappeared last night and then again this morning, what's up?" Blaise asks, they both look concerned but I ignore it.

I turn to Draco " I need to talk to you." he furrows his brows but, nods looking at Blaise and he wanders off.

" What's up?" he asks his face softening, I take a breath and tell him everything. Starting with the first time I heard the whispers ending at Dumbledore's office. I leave out the polyjuice potion accident as to not get the trio in trouble.

" Wow, that's a lot of information." he chuckles, I slide down the wall we had been leaning against with a sigh. He sits down beside me " Why didn't you tell me earlier?" he asks raising an eyebrow. " I thought you'd say I was crazy." I laugh, he laughs along " I mean, I didn't say you weren't." he smirks and I smack him.

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