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I wander through the halls towards the room of requirement. I hadn't been there in quite a while so I thought it might be a nice place to read through my Fathers book. I had been reading through every single page carefully, looking for any notes or clues that could help me.

I also thought that if I were going to figure out the incantation, the room of requirements was a perfect place to practice.

When I had gotten back to Hogwarts a week ago, Neville had rushed me into telling him what happened. I hadn't given him the full truth, or anything about the spells, but I still gave him something.

I told him I had seen my Father, though I didn't tell him how cause even I didn't know. He understood but continued to ask questions about it every now and then and I would give him the same answer.

I wasn't able to see Snape once i had gotten back though. When I got back he was in the headmasters office and did not want to be disturbed. Even the Carrows were outside warding off Professors that wanted to see him. I was getting suspicious about his appearances, or lack there of. But I didn't have time to waste worrying about him, I needed to figure this out.

When I step up to the room of requirements and think 'I need a place to practice,' It doesn't open like I thought it would.

I pace back and forth in front of the blank wall silently thinking to myself, but the door still doesn't open. I press a hand against the wall to try to sense if magic was used to keep it sealed. It was possible that the Carrows, or Snape, had sealed it off with magic so students couldn't hide there.

However the magic that courses through the wall is the same as always. I take a step back and stare up at the wall wondering if maybe someone else was inside. If there was I'd have to come back later, past curfew.

" Why's the door exiting this way?" I hear a quiet voice ask, I turn to look down the other corridor for the source.

" Someone must be out here, stay quiet." I hear Nevilles voice say from around the same corner.

I roll my eyes and start towards him, of course it was Neville in the room of requirements. It made sense now, this was where he must have been heading last week before I caught up to him. My question was who was with him, were there other people using the room of requirements?

As I turn around the corner my question is answered.

There's a large group of people coming out the door, stuck in an intense conversation. Neville's voice is the loudest but it's still hushed. The group is comprised of every house, with students of every year crowding in a circle. The only colors I don't see in the group is Green, which means no Slytherins were part of this grouping, part of me was grateful.

I wander closer fully stepping around the corner to face Neville. The first person to spot me just so happens to be a Ravenclaw, her eyes are wide with surprise and her long blonde hair is tusked messily behind her ears.


A sense of hurt washes over me, whatever was going on she hadn't told me about it, did she not trust me? It made sense after what I had confessed but it still hurt, I thought of Luna like a sister to me she was one of my close friends. Coincidently she's also the first one to speak.

" Ellie," She says in her sweet voice, even though her tone is soft it still echoes around the corridor.

The others turn to me with shocked or surprised faces, some look scared. I keep my face neutral as I look over the group carefully, trying to figure out what this is. Was it some sort of fanclub? Not like a fanclub as in for a boyband, but possibly a Harry Potter fanclub? You could see that most of the people were in Gryffindor, so it was possible.

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