Letting loose.

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Six years after Hogwarts.

I pace around the living room of the Potter manor. Hermione and Ginny sit on the couch, their eyes following me back and forth.

" What's wrong?" Hermione asks curiously.

I ignore her pacing around the room as they both glance at each other worriedly. Luna giggles from her spot upside down on the armchair. They both glance at her with curious eyes and she smiles lightly

" If you continue to pace like that you're gonna ruin my rug." Ginny says with a laugh and I scowl at her.

Hermione walks over and grabs my shoulders " Ellie, calm." she says softly.

The door opens and Daphne walks in carrying Mallory. I smile walking over to her " Gimme." I say, holding my arms out.

She rolls her eyes, handing her to me " Works for me." she mutters. She walks over, taking a seat on the couch next to Hermione and smiling at her.

I sit down on one of the arm chairs, rocking Mallory in my arms. The girls start up conversation with Daphne as soon as she sits down, most of the conversation veering towards Mallory.

Ginny and Harry got married last year. Hermione and Ron got married soon after they did. Marcus got married to a muggle-born named Annabelle. Aris still hasn't gathered up the courage.

We made it a tradition to have a girls night every two weeks. Giving us time away from our husbands/boyfriends. The boys had their own thing going on including our favorite bachelor, Blaise.

Draco's been busy with work, he's finished his schooling and is now a certified mediwizard. It doesn't take as long for wizards as it does for muggles, to go through medical school.

I've been building up Locke enterprises, it's safe to say we've doing well. I even have Blaise working as a manager in the upper ranks. His position is a stage below mine, which he had rightfully earned.

Now I'm trying to avoid Draco's current obsession, babies.

He's been working in different areas at St' Mungos, lately he's been in the NICU. Everyday he comes home to tell me about everything that happens at work, and I love hearing it, but then he goes on and on about the babies.

It's at the point where I'm concerned he might bring one home. I know technically he can't, but it wouldn't stop him from finding one that needs a family. If I come home one day to a baby in our house I'm officially going to lose it. 

I love Mallory, and I love children but I'm just so tired of hearing it. Ginny was laughing when I had told her, calling him a 'softie' and she's right, but I still love him.

Mallory wiggles around in my arms, trying to be rid of me. I put her down and she wanders straight to Luna, playing with her long hair.

I sigh, watching her waddle around the room with a bored expression.

" Guys," Ginny says with an annoyed tone, making us all turn to her. She sits up from where she had been laying with her head on Hermione's lap and frowns at us " We're supposed to be having a fun girls night, I hate to say it, but this isn't fun." she says, motioning around the room.

I huff, sliding back into the chair " What ideas are running through that head of yours?" I ask, knowing she has to have something on her mind.

She smiles " I say we call the boys, bring them back here and go to a bar." she says excitedly.

" Aris is at work, he can't come." Luna says softly, booping Mallory on the nose.

Ginny frowns " Marcus can come right?" she asks me.

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