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" Luna, I really haven't got time." I try to explain as she walks towards the forest holding my hand in hers.

" And what on earth happened to your shoes?" I ask looking down at her bare feet. 

" I suspect the nargles took them." she answers quietly. I roll my eyes, I might have to find these 'nargles' and teach them a lesson. Luna's far to sweet for people to be treating her this way, and the worst part is she's too oblivious to notice.

She stops looking around, before following a strange sound. Honestly I love Luna, but what is going on inside her head?

She stops with a pleased smile on her face. I look up to see the thestral's grazing about. I walk towards them cautiously. They look up at me and I watch them curiously.

I put my hand out to the nearest one and it nuzzles it. I smile lightly as Luna moves to stand next to me. I hear footsteps behind me but I don't turn to them too focused on the creatures in front of me. 

" Hello, Harry Potter." Luna's quiet voice rings out. I stiffen at the name of the person I've been trying to avoid since I got to Hogwarts. I hold the thestrals muzzle in my hands while I listen to their conversation. 

" Your feet, aren't they cold?" he asks and I move my head slightly to look at Luna.

" A bit, unfortunately all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared." she replies calmly, " I suspect nargles are behind it." I roll my eyes.

" It's not nargles Luna, it's those people you call friends." I hiss growing impatient, and angry. Though I'm not exactly sure why, Luna hasn't done anything wrong.

" I see your angry, we'll talk when you've calmed down." she says quietly, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn around offering her a smile, and then walking past her.

I stop a few feet away before turning back " Luna?" I say my voice soft. she turns to look at me with a gentle smile. " Be careful getting back," I say calmly, I glance at Harry before continuing.
" Have Harry take you back." she nods. I walk swiftly away leaving the both of them behind


"Did you hear about what happened with McGonagall and Umbridge?" Daphne asks in an excited tone. I turn to her raising an eyebrow for her to go on.

She briefs me on the fight between Umbridge and McGonagall. I stop in my tracks when she mentions Harry's name. A rumor going around says that she tortured him, but by what means I do not know. I don't normally bother myself with rumors, but since it concerns harry.

I turn around walking swiftly in the other direction towards the hall and away from Daphne. I walk into the hall looking around quickly. I see Harry sitting at the Gryffindor table with Hermione and Ron, I walk straight for them.

They look up at me as I approach the table. I stop beside Harry, looking around anxiously before taking a seat.

" What happened with Umbridge." I say my tone demanding, they all look at each other confused. I raise an eyebrow " I believe I asked a question." I say firmly.

Hermione looks to Harry " Go on, show her Harry." Harry scowls at her before looking over at me. He holds out his hand to me and I look down at it. I see the words and curiously grab his hand pulling it towards me.

I must not tell lies.

I run my finger over the scar on the back of his hand. I understand her wanting to punish him, but a blood quill? I look away glaring at the table. I let out a frustrated huff before dropping his hand and standing.

" If you'll excuse me, I have a letter to write." I say coldly walking away without so much as a glance back.


Talking With Snakes||D.MWhere stories live. Discover now