Back at Hogwarts.

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We step onto the platform hand in hand, ignoring the looks sent our way. It had been published in the papers that Draco and his Mother had left Lucius's hearing. Though it was not known that Lucius had asked them to, that detail wasn't paper worthy, apparently.

I ignore the whispers, glancing at Draco to make sure he does the same. I squeeze his hand lightly, making him turn to me with a small smile. I smile back at him lifting my chin up and turning back to the train.

By association I could technically be shamed for just standing next to him; let alone holding hands. Since his father was a known death eater and people were starting to suspect he might be, It could very well tarnish my name for being seen with him.

But I've come to the conclusion that it could also help his. I make good impressions everywhere I go, I've never met someone I couldn't fool. My name had quite the good standing so far, which might help pull Draco out of the ashes of his Fathers failure. 

People saw Locke's as good, someone who would never succumb to evil; whether they were right or wrong, I still wasn't sure.

We find an empty table in a compartment with a few other people from our house. We sit and wait for our friends to join us, whispering about Draco's plan as we do.

I turn to him " You're sure it will work?" I whisper, my mouth almost right at his ear to ensure no one hears.

He nods seeming sure of himself " As long as I mend it right, it will work." he whispers into my hair.

He's decided to use an old vanishing cabinet to get the other death eaters into the castle. But he'll need to mend it first, in order to ensure it works. The vanishing cabinet will create a portal with it's sister cabinet at Borgin and Burks. It will allow the death eaters to pass through unharmed; if we mend it right.

After he's done that he'll have the audience he needs to finish off his task. To finish off Dumbledore, to be exact.

I reach into my bag and pull out a book I found on vanishing cabinets. it includes how to mend them. As well as talking about the floo systems and apparating and such. But I brought it in hopes it will help with mending.

I'm not daft, a book like this would cause some suspicion to those who care to think. So I've charmed it to look like a potions book.

He raises an eyebrow " Studying?" he questions.

I roll my eyes " I wouldn't be studying with this book, Snape might get curious." I say with a light laugh. I hand it to him and he narrows his eyes looking at the book. He flips through the pages and smiles at me.

" You ditched me." Blaise says sitting down across from me, a look of hurt on his face.

For a minute I'm lost on what he means, but it hits me and I groan dragging a hand across my face. I had completely forgotten I was supposed to go with Blaise to Diagon alley. I had promised him after declining his owl for a visit to our manor. Bella rarely left so it was difficult to find time for him to come over.

I look at him apologetically " I am so sorry Blaise." I say, my eyes pleading for him to forgive me.

He scoffs shaking his head and looking away " Where were you?" he questions turning back to me with a scowl.

I attempt to give him my best puppy eyes " I'm sorry, I was at home I forgot." I say my tone apologetic.

He furrows his brows staring right into my puppy eyes " That's not fair," he says pointing a finger at me " You're not allowed to do that, It's," he stops thinking of an explanation " Over powering." he says his tone hinting at amusement.

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