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I pull on an a light grey sweater and a black skirt, pulling my hair up into a ponytail. I'm practically shaking with excitement, while I wait for Daphne to finish getting ready.

She turns to scowl at me " Ellie your shaking the floor, I'm gonna stab myself in the eye!" she turns away resuming her task of putting Mascara on.

" Aren't you excited!" I say looking not just at her but at Pansy and Millicent too, they raise their eyebrows at me and an amused laugh comes from Daphne.

I jump up and down and Daphne turns glaring at me while the girls laugh, " You really are the baby of the group huh?" she smirks.

" Actually no, technically you are!" I grin at her, she turns to me narrowing her eyes " What's that supposed to mean?" I grin at her " You are the youngest after all." I say with a shrug.

She scoffs " Were the same age!" I laugh " Nope your twelve, I'm thirteen." I grin at her from my new position leaning against Millicent's bed.

She scowls at me " What when was your birthday?!" she starts towards me. I giggle " last week when I had detention," I grin at her " Worked out perfectly if you ask me." I say holding my chin up with confidence.

Her face falls into a frown " And you didn't tell me!" I laugh as she throws her pillow at me and I catch it falling back onto Millicent's lap.

I grin up at her " You're in a good mood today." she says with a smirk,  " We get to go to Hogsmeade!" her casual expression doesn't change so I continue, " Hogsmeade, means Honeydukes. Honeydukes, means candy." I grin at her and she laughs.

" You're a child." she says smirking at me, I nod " And I'm addicted to candy." I say with a laugh.


I jump up and down as McGonagall explains to us that Hogsmeade is a privilege, and not to abuse that privilege. We all agree and I watch as Harry says goodbye to his friends, and stands in the entrance of the castle.

I glance at Draco who's talking to Blaise and turn waving at Harry and offering a sad smile.

" I saw that." Draco says scowling at me, I grin at him grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the village.

" You guys are so slow." I complain when were halfway there, turning to look back at them ten feet behind me. " Oh sorry is my pace not fast enough?" Blaise questions starting to walk slower.

I run back gripping his hand and pulling him faster, as he tries his best to stay in the same spot. He's leans back in order to make it harder for me to pull him. I get an idea and a mischievous smile spreads on my face and his eyes widen.

I let go of his hand and he falls to the ground with a thud, Our group laughs as Blaise groans standing and rubbing his tailbone.

I skip back to Draco grabbing his hand " You're a two year old." he states smirking at me, " Two and a half." I correct with a laugh.

I'm forced to let go of Draco's hand when Blaise throws me over his shoulder, " BLAISE! put me down!" I scold.

" No the baby must be carried," He laughs, " Blaise put me down, I'm wearing a skirt!" I say pounding at his back " Good point!" he sets me down quickly.

I glare at him " And technically Daphne's the baby so carry her." he turns to Daphne with a smirk.

" Don't even think about it!" she says holding a hand out, " I may be the youngest, but I'm not  the baby." she says scowling at me.

" Please you're both Babies, I on the other hand am not!" Blaise smirks referring to his Birthday we celebrated before returning to Hogwarts, " Nope, Daphne is the baby." I say holding my chin up in the air.

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