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As I had expected Snape apparates us to Malfoy Manor. I head straight for the dining room where our meetings are usually held. Malfoy Manor may have always been an eerie place, but right now it's down right terrifying.

He's waiting for me, I knew he would be.

He's sitting at the end of the table staring down at it. His hands are folded in front of him and he hasn't seemed to notice me yet. Nagini is curled up at his feet and hissing as she wraps around herself. Therefore alerting him to my presence in the dining room with a low hiss.

He looks up to my blank expression, he sighs " I guess there is much explaining to do." he says calmly.

" That's an understatement." I say flatly, my eyes flickering to Nagini as she moves from his feet.

He looks at me slightly confused by my tone " I made your Father a promise I full heartedly intend to keep." he starts. I watch him as he reaches into his robe and pulls out his wand. My hand twitches to mine but then he places his on the table in front of him.

He looks back up " The day your Father, my Bestfriend, decided to trust me with your life, was one of the happiest of mine. Of course, I had never expected what would have happened just a few short days after. When I visited the Potter home and," he pauses, thinking of the right words " Did what had to be done... I spent what seemed like an eternity trapped in a void. Until wormtail found me, until our plan unfolded." he says calmly.

He smiles fondly at a memory " When my diary had begun to speak to me I was confused. But I used it to my advantage to come back, well to try at least." he frowns at the memory of his failed attempt four years ago " That Ginny girl was so gullible, she was obsessed with her 'friend'. I knew if there was a way I had to come back. To end Potter and to protect you. I knew dark times lied ahead if I were to return but I had to try for the sake of the wizarding world." he says standing and walking towards me.

He walks up behind me placing his hands on my shoulders " I told your Father I would take care of you. Have I at least done that so far? I understand you do not exactly want to be here Elliana, I'm not stupid. I know you've helped Potter on numerous occasions." My posture stiffens and I can tell he senses it " I know exactly what you whispered into Ginny Weasley's ear that night at the wedding, you told her to trust you. I'm not going to ask you what you meant, I get the feeling I don't want to know." he says, walking to stand in front of me.

He looks at me with what looks like a stern expression " I'm telling you now, don't do anything stupid." he says slowly. I wonder if he's being serious, everything I've done up to this point has been stupid.

" Now, tell me," He starts, his voice no longer carrying the serious tone. " The Malfoy boy, Is he a good companion from what I've seen he is quite fond of you." He starts turning away.

Is he serious?

I'm trying to figure out what the hell is going on and he gives me practically nothing. Now he's asking me about Draco? Why does he even want to know, I had no idea death eaters liked to gossip. Perhaps I'll be the subject at the next meeting, me and my friends might be the next hot gossip.

He turns raising what's supposed to be an eyebrow at me " Well go on, now that you know I'd like to hear everything. It would have been awkward to talk about when you didn't know." he says nonchalantly, taking a seat.

I furrow my brows " This is ridiculous." I huff and he narrows his eyes " You expect me to just pretend everything's fine and dandy? While you talk about murdering people that used to be my friends. But all of a sudden you think it's okay because you're my Godfather? You want me to tell you about my friends and chat over a cup of tea like we're family?" I spit, the venom dripping from my voice. I know I should be careful with my words but at this point my filter has disappeared.

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