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I spot Neville in the corridor and quickly walk towards him. He's quite a ways away from me and he seems to be on a mission. He trudges up the stairs and I follow behind him at a distance, unable to keep up with his pace.

By the time we get to the seventh floor I'm practically running to catch up to him. I see him stop at the end of the hall and relief washes over me. I continue to head towards him and my boots click on the ground alerting him to my presence.

He snaps his head around and a look of panic crosses his face " Ellie? What are you doing?" he asks curiously.

I stop in front of him and double over catching my breath " I've been trying to catch up with you since the great hall." I say calmly. I smile at him as his face relaxes and the panic dissipates.

He smiles " Oh, sorry I didn't realize you were behind me." he says his tone slightly shaky. I shrug and he glances behind him before back to me " Um, what did you uh, what did you need?" he asks calmly.

I take a step closer so I can whisper to him " I was wondering if you knew anything about horcruxes?" I ask quietly. He takes a step back into the wall and his whole body tenses.

He looks down avoiding my eyes " I um, I don't- I don't really know much about horcruxes but if you have like- uh any questions about herbology, I'd be happy to-" I cut him off with a loud sigh and his face falls.

If Neville didn't even know how was I supposed to figure it out? There was no one else I could ask for help. I trusted Snape with everything but he was on the edge as it is. I couldn't endanger him anymore than I already had.

" I'm sorry I can't help you Ellie." He says in a slightly sad tone. I wave him off as if to say it doesn't matter. He frowns " Could I ask why you're interested in them?" he asks curiously.

Should I tell him? I know I can trust Neville, he's not one to tattle on me to Voldemort. He wouldn't even go close to them, he was too scared. He hated them with a passion and everyone knew that. I could trust him couldn't I? Yes I think I can trust him, but should I give him this information? It could very well get him hurt.

'You need to tell him'

I sigh " Look Nev-" I start but something catches my attention. Out of the corner of my eye I see a tall man disappear behind a corner. I narrow my eyes and turn to look at where the man had disappeared. He's there now, leaning against the wall as if waiting for something.

I turn to start to walk towards him but Neville grabs my wrist " Ellie? Where are you going?" he asks curiously. I point to the man and start towards him but Neville pulls me back " Ellie what are you pointing at?" he asks his tone worried.

I turn towards him with furrowed brows " I want to see who that man is." I say quickly. 

Neville glances down the corridor " Ellie, I don't see a man what are you talking about?" he asks worriedly. I frown, what does he mean he can't see the man he's standing right there? He's leaned against the wall wearing an expensive looking suit. How can he not see him, perhaps he's just too far away.

 I point at the man " The man he's right there, leaning against the wall." I say calmly. He looks down the hall as his eyes widen and his grip on my hand tightens.

He looks down at me worriedly " Ellie lets go see McGonagall." he says quickly. He pulls me back down the corridor and I glance back at the man. He stands in the middle of the corridor watching us walk away with a look of disappointment.

I pull Neville to a stop " Why do we need to go see McGonagall?" I ask curiously.

He looks down at me and swallows thickly his eyes glancing behind us. I tap him and he turns back to me, I tilt my head and he breathes in a shaky breath " Lets just go okay, I'll explain when we get there just please come?" he says a hint of urgency in his voice. I nod and he pulls me down the corridors towards McGonagalls office.

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