Umbit- I mean... Umbridge.

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I take a bite of my dessert as Dumbledore begins his speech.

" Good evening children!" he calls a smile on his face as he looks around the room " Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubly-plank, who will be taking care of magical creatures. While Professor Hagrid is on temporary." That's too bad, I actually really liked Hagrid. 

I ignore his speech knowing it will be the same as last year, and the year before. I keep my gaze on the table, not particularly interested in having a conversation. There's a new defense against the dark arts teacher. For a minute I get excited, hoping for it to be Snape he's been longing for that position for so long. And he favors me, so not that I need it but it is an advantage.

Unfortunately that's not the case, instead he gestures to a lady wearing bright pink- well everything. A smirk forms on my face as I look between her and Snape. The contrast between the two of them is hilarious, causing a few people around the room to laugh.

Dumbledore quiets us and continues his speech. He doesn't get far, instead he's interrupted by a high-pitched giggle. I stop myself from cringing, forcing a small smile onto my face.

She stands slowly eyeing Dumbledore. He looks confused by the motion, and she walks towards him. She looks around with a very wide fake smile.

" Thank you Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome." she says in a cheerful voice, as she walks to stand in front of him turning to us.

" And how lovely, to see all your bright, happy faces. smiling up at me." she says looking around the room. No ones smiling, except me of course. But that's out of politeness, and my smile is almost as fake as hers.

" I'm sure were all going to be, very good friends." she says hopefully, her gaze lingering on me for a second before turning away.

" That's likely." I hear the twins mumble causing a few people to laugh. I shoot them a grin without even thinking about it. I look away quickly avoiding the eyes that stare back at me.

Her face twitches in masked frustration before she composes herself and continues.

" The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards of vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school." She says turning to nod in Dumbledore's direction. He mimics the motion awkwardly, the confused look still present on his face.

" Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." she says a sense of finality in her tone. Another high-pitched giggle following after.

Dumbledore starts to clap and students hesitantly join in, I force a smile and clap. I turn to Draco with an eyebrow raised, not quite sure what to make of it. He just rolls his eyes, but claps anyway.

I turn to Daphne who's wearing a frown on her face, looking down at the Daily Prophet. I narrow my eyes to see what she's looking at.

the headline reads Potter, before it fades into Plotter? I roll my eyes. I reach for the paper an she hands it to me. I shake my head as I read through the article. It's a bunch of nonsense claiming Harry as a liar. it's unfortunate really, he's just trying to help but ends up getting all the blame.


I watch the paper bird float through the room. It nears me falling slowly, and I hold out my hand. It touches for a slight second before I push it up. However my efforts are wasted when Crabbe hits it with a makeshift slingshot.

I roll my eyes and watch the bird soar back up into the air. It's beautiful really, the simplicity of the magic that keeps the bird afloat. Quite peaceful seeming, just gliding through the air effortlessly.

That is until it burns to a crisp and lands on the Patil twins desk. I frown as the cheerful voice rings out in the classroom.

" Good morning, children." she says brightly, suddenly beside me. 

I force a polite smile onto my face and turn to her " Goodmorning, Professor." I say keeping my tone light. She looks over to me, giving me a nod in response. She looks forward continuing down the aisle.

I ignore the looks thrown my way. I was only trying to be polite. besides if I'm nice to her she'll leave me alone, and this class will whizz by quickly. I have transfiguration after this so I'd rather not have this class ruin my mood before hand.

She rambles on about the OWLs and I pay no attention to the matter. Instead I scribble in my notebook. Ignoring her almost completely before a book drops on my desk.

Dark Arts Defense- Basics for Beginners.

I narrow my eyes as I flip through the pages. There's nothing in here about how to use spells, or how to block them for that matter. It's all very plain, and I can feel my hopes for this class dissipating.

" There's nothing in here about using defensive spells." Hermione says in a polite but questioning tone.

" Using spells," Umbridge says sounding startled, she chuckles before adding " I can't imagine why you'd need to be using spells in my classroom." she says with a smile.

" Were not going to be using magic?" Ron questions.

" You'll be learning about defensive spells, in a secure risk-free way." she says in a sickly sweet tone.

" Well, what use is that? If we're gonna be attacked, it won't be risk-free." Harry says his voice far less polite that Hermione's.

" Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class!" she snaps at him, her face turning sour before composing herself. " It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations, which after all is what school is all about!" The cheerful tone reappears as she looks cautiously at Harry.

" And how is theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry asks, his voice rising as he gets more and more frustrated.

She looks at Harry with pity in her eyes "There is nothing out there dear. Who would you imagine would want to attack children like yourself?" she asks her voice testing.

" For the love of Merlin Harry don't say it." I mutter to myself. But then of course, he say's it.

" Oh, I don't know," he says sarcastically " maybe Lord Voldemort?" he says tilting his head and raising an eyebrow. The boy beside me scoffs rolling his eyes. I watch Umbridge carefully as she takes a few steps down the aisle.

" Now let me make this... quite plain," she says her face set to look reassuring " You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again." she says calmly. 

" This. is. a. lie." the says carefully emphasizing each word.  

" It's not a lie!" Harry says his tone frustrated. " I saw him! I fought him!-"-"Detention Mr. Potter!" She shouts. 

" So according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead on his own accords!" Harry yells. 

" Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident." she says in a tone laced with false pain.

" it was murder- Voldemort killed him! you must know that!"-" Enough!" she shrieks, her composure cracking before she adds " Enough, see me later Mr. Potter, my office." followed by another giggle and a wide smile as she looks around the classroom.

" Well that was fun." I say sarcastically to the boy beside me, raising my eyebrows  at him.

He laughs " Tell me about it." he says raising his eyebrows and shaking his head in disbelief.

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