Oh Dear Parkinson...

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The noise of a door slamming against the wall catches my attention. I jolt up in bed my wand clutched firmly in my hand. I look to the door and immediately my body relaxes and I sigh in both annoyance and relief.

I drop my face back into my pillow " What do you want Blaise." I groan. I feel the bed give in beside me as he sits down.

" I came to say Merry Christmas!" He shouts excitedly. He's honestly such a child and he shares this trait with Draco. Between the two of them it's hard to tell who will kill me first.

Speaking of, I roll over to face him with a sigh. Only to realize that he's not inside me, nor is he in my room. I sit up and look around, ignoring Blaise playing with Nebulus at the foot of my bed. He wiggles one of my quills in front of him but instead he goes straight to attacking him.

The bathroom door is closed and I can faintly hear the shower running. It was silly of me to think the worst when I saw him gone but I couldn't help my mind from wandering. With everything that's going on I can't help but be a little bit jumpy.

I pry Nebulus off of Blaise as he hisses at him. It's weird that he's acting this way towards Blaise, considering he was always his favorite. I'd say he spends more time in his dorm than mine. I toss him to the other side of the bed and he curls up, watching Blaise carefully.

Blaise grins at me " Thanks." he says gratefully.

I nod, offering him a small smile " Of course," I say calmly before raising an eyebrow " so what are you doing here?" I ask curiously

He frowns " Mum was busy, so I came to see you guys." he says his tone carrying a hint of annoyance.

I furrow my brows " Busy with what." I ask curiously. As long as I've known Missus Zabini I've never knows her to do anything other than obsess over Blaise. Perhaps she found something to keep her busy during these trying times. Maybe a new hobby?

He groans, letting his head fall onto his crossed arms as he glares at the wall " Her latest boyfriend." he says his tone overflowing with venom.

I wince and pat him on the back as he shoves his face into my comforter. I know Missus Zabini has had many husbands over the years. She was an extremely beautiful woman  and always had men practically drooling. I had heard multiple stories from Blaise about her numerous 'endeavors'.

I frown " Okay, but why'd you leave?" I ask curiously.

He shakes his head as if trying to rid himself of the reason before answering " I couldn't sit there and hear the bed squeak for any longer." he says, the disgust in his tone clear as day. I frown shaking my head as I try to forget what he just said.

" Your bedposts squeak Blaise?" Draco's voice asks from the doorway to the bathroom. We both turn to him as he grins " With all that money you'd think they'd be quiet as a mouse, hear..." he says walking towards my bed.

He shakes at the post with his hand " No squeak." he says wiggling his eyebrows " Think about that next time you sleepover." he says with a grin. Blaise scowls at him grabbing a pillow and throwing it at his head.

It hits him in the head " That's my sister you git, I don't wanna hear that!" he says, his tone disgusted. Draco grins, holding the pillow in his hands before tossing it back to me. My face turns red at the whole conversation and I stuff my head into the pillow. 

The bed caves in before my arm is pulled to the side. I squeal as Draco wraps his arms around me waist, pulling me into his lap. He puts his head on my shoulder and continues to grin at Blaise who rolls his eyes.

He stands up " Alright, enough of your P.D.A come on." he says motioning to the door. Draco gets up, pulling me with him.

I look at him confused " Where are we going?" I ask curiously. He doesn't answer, just gives me a wide smile and pulls me after him.

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