....What did you do.

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" Love?" Draco's voice echos around my room as the door opens. I'm lying on my side in my bed facing away from the door. I'm too tired for this.

The bed gives in as he lays down behind me wrapping an arm around my waist. He looks over my shoulder at me, his head resting on my arm " What's wrong?" he questions. I might regret telling him, but I'm also going to regret not telling him. Even if it meant nothing he should still know.

" Pansy kissed me." I say quietly.

I can feel his posture stiffen and the hand that was previously playing with my hair cease. I wait for his reaction as I stare out the windows. I don't want him to be mad at me but I feel he will be, as he should. Maybe get so mad he'll tell me it's over that he's disgusted that I let it happen.

I'd have to plead with him to take me back, and I would. I'd beg for his forgiveness if I had to there wouldn't be any hesitation. I was expecting him to be upset or mad or start yelling.

What I wasn't expecting was for him to start laughing. As in laughing so hard it's shaking his whole body, as in hysterically laughing. I turn to him as he places a hand on his stomach, his eyes squeezed shut. I don't get how he finds this so funny, was he losing it? Have I driven him to insanity?

He wipes at a tear that falls from his eye " I knew something was off with her!" he says loudly. I stare at him with a look of surprise, what is he talking about? I decide not to worry about it right now and move on.

" You're not mad at me?" I ask in disbelief. He stops laughing and turns to look at me a curious expression on his face. He smiles gently and moves towards me, placing a hand on my cheek and running his thumb over it. I lean into his touch and close my eyes for a moment before reopening them.

When I do he's only about an inch from my face " Of course not." he says gently. I tilt my head confused, he frowns " That is, unless you kissed her back?" he says quietly.

I shake my head quickly " No, of course not that would be wrong." I say quickly.

He smiles " Then I'm not mad." he says calmly. I smile at him and he wraps an arm around me pulling me closer to him. We lay facing each other and his gaze is on my lips " Is she a better kisser than me?" he asks jokingly.

I smirk " Hm, not sure it's been quite awhile." I say tantalizingly.

He raises an eyebrow " Is that so?" he asks pushing me down lightly. He hovers over me held up by his elbows " Maybe I should refresh your memory." he says. He moves closer and his lips linger only centimeters away from mine, teasing me.

He leans down and his lips graze mine and I close my eyes, waiting. But they move away from my lips and down to my jaw. He places his lips on my neck and leaves soft kisses along my jawline. Moving down the soft kisses turning into wet ones, sucking on my skin as he moves down.

He leaves a trail of wet kisses down my neck before working back up. He places more kisses on my jawline, the corner of my lips, the other corner. my nose making me giggle. Everywhere but on my lips, leaving me wanting it more and more.

He runs his finger over my bottom lip parting it slightly as his eyes stare into mine. He leans in and his lips press against mine his tongue slipping into my already parted mouth. The taste of firewhiskey invading my mouth, mixed with the subtle hint of mint. It's a weird combination and it makes my head spin.

His tongue plays with mine as my hands wrap around his neck. One of his hands squeezes my thigh, his cold rings against my skin making me shiver. His hand slowly moves up my skirt causing my breath to hitch.

But then he stops and pulls away. I open my eyes and give him a confused look, he smirks " what?" he asks innocently. I frown at him and he smiles placing kisses against my jaw " What do you want love?" he asks calmly. His hand moving slowly up my thigh makes me shiver and he smirks.

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