Chasing after ferret boy

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I walk quietly to breakfast by myself, the others having already left. I assume I deserve them thinking I wouldn't be joining them.

I walk into the great hall, heading straight for Aris and Vik. They look up when I approach them, grinning as I sit in front of them.

" Morning." I say politely as I settle into my seat. They look at each other for a second then turn back to me " Morning Ellie." Aris replies, Viktor nods at me his mouth already full with food.

I lean closer to the them, not bothering to fill my plate. " Are we training today?" I ask curiously. Aris nods " Later, before dinner." I nod looking around the room, my eyes landing on Draco and I smile. " But only if you eat." Aris says bluntly, I turn to scowl at him Viktor nods.

" I'm not hungry," I say with a shrug, " No offense Ellie, but if you don't eat you shouldn't train." Aris says shaking his head " It's common sense." Viktor adds.

I nod and reach for a croissant from the table as well as a bowl of fruits. I throw a blueberry into my mouth and smile. " Happy now?' I question tearing off a piece of croissant, They both nod returning to their meals.


Despite my love for it, potions was awful. I simply couldn't focus on it at all, which only irritated Snape.

I walk through the corridors to one of the courtyards, Draco by my side. His followers are gathered in the yard already. He makes his way to a tall oak tree, hesitating before getting an idea. I watch him pull himself into the tree, sitting where two of the largest branches meet.

He grins holding his hand out to me, " As appealing as this idea of yours is, I'll pass." I say with a laugh. He smirks and I take a seat at the base of the tree.

A few groups wander into the courtyard including Cedric Diggory and his friends. I realize I never congratulated him and decide that now, is as good a time as any.

I walk up behind him feeling Draco's eyes on me as I do. I compose my face into a smile, some of the boys turn to me the last being Cedric.

" I never did say Congratulations did I?" I say with a slight smile, " Hogwarts is making me lose my manners. Congratulations Cedric." He smiles brightly at me.

" Thank you Ellie." I'm taken aback from the fact that he knows my name, but compose myself.
" Unfortunately. I'm obligated to cheer for Viktor, being sort of like my brother and all." I laugh lightly and he chuckles " Though I do wish you luck." I conclude.

He nods " Thank you, it means a lot." he says his tone sincere. He lays back on the bench and I return to my spot near the tree.

Something hits the side of my head and I look up to Draco. He grins nudging me with his foot, I swat it away with a laugh.

" Should've accepted my invitation," He says with a smirk, " And where would I have sat, on your lap?" I question. He grins " I wouldn't have minded." he says shooting me a wink, I roll my eyes.

" Your a right foul git, you know that!" I hear Harry shout and look over from the game of tic tac toe Blaise had drawn in the dirt. I watch curiously as Ron practically mumbles something, Harry replies and Ron starts to walk away.

" There's Potter." Blaise mumbles, Draco's head shoots in his Direction a wicked smile on his face. 

" Why so tense Potter!" he calls out, Harry glances at him but continues to walk.

" My father and I have a bet you see, I don't think your gonna last ten minutes in this tournament." He says smugly. Damn there was a bet, I totally would have bet on Harry winning, just to spite them of course.

Harry stops turning to him, Draco hops out of the tree and starts towards him. I throw a glance at Blaise, and he smirks. We stand moving to follow him, " he disagrees, he thinks you won't last five." Draco says laughing. A light smile appear on my face at that comment.

" I don't give a Damn what your Father thinks Malfoy." Harry rushes forward shoving him, I instinctively step closer. " He's vile and cruel," he looks Draco up and down " And your just pathetic." he hisses.

I look to Blaise and we step forward, as Draco fumbles with his wand in his waistband.

" Oh no you don't sonny!" I hear someone shout before Draco's hit with a spell. He shrinks towards the ground turning into a white ferret. I stare at him wide eyed, he spins  looking around.

Moody appears pointing his wand at Draco and throwing him up in the air.

McGonagall rushes forward " Professor Moody what are you doing" She looks at the ferret horrified.

 " Teaching." he replies, she points to Draco in shock " Is that a, is that a student!"

" Technically it's a ferret." he replies, I pull my wand from my waistband " Expelliarmus!" I shout and the wand flies out of Moody's hand. I rush forward catching Draco before he falls to the ground, giving the Professor an icy glare.

The people gathered around laugh and I look to McGonagall setting Draco carefully on the ground. She points her wand at him and he spins around before returning to human form.

He whips around to face Moody, jumping back as he does. " My Father will hear about this!" He shouts at the man. Moody walks forward and Draco runs around the tree followed by Moody.

Draco dashes out of sight as Moody yells at him " I could tell you stories about your Father that would curl even greasy hair boy!" At that I shoot him a glare and for a minute he cowers, before McGonagall begins lecturing him.

I turn to Blaise seeing if he's following as I start to walk in the direction Draco had gone. To my surprise his face is red and he's holding back laughter. I scowl at him, walking over and dragging him after me by his collar.

We search the corridors, looking for him to no avail. We wander around aimlessly checking stairwells and empty classes, still no luck.

We stop outside the great hall, and I look up at the clock. I was supposed to meet Aris and Viktor ten minutes ago. I'll have to go see them to tell them I won't be joining them.

I turn to Blaise with an apologetic look, " I have to meet Aris and Vik," he turns to me and nods " I'll keep looking." he says with a slight smile. " Okay, I'll be back soon." and with that I turn and walk out the front doors.

I explain to Aris and Vik what happened, and that were yet to find him. After they've stopped laughing they nod and tell me to join them tomorrow morning; I agree.

I walk through the corridors closest to the Dungeons. Blaise and I searched here earlier, but it was worth a shot. I hesitate in one of the staircases, leaning over the railing. It's quite dark, but I swear I see a boy with blonde hair sitting on one of the steps.

A small smile finds it's way to my lips. I walk quietly down the few steps " Lumos." I mutter, lighting up the room. At the sudden light the boy turns, scowling as he looks toward me. I move the light out from in front of my face, therefore letting him know who it is.

" Hey there ferret boy," I say teasingly, he glares at me " If your here to tease me then leave." he hisses coldly. I walk to sit beside him smiling lightly as I take his hand in mine.

" Though you do make a pretty cute ferret, I prefer you this way." I say with a smile planting a kiss on his cheek. His cheeks turn slightly pink, " Moody will pay for what he did to you." I say knowingly. He turns to me with furrowed brows " My father will handle it, he'll be out of the job for sure." he smirks at the idea.

I nod thinking to myself, maybe the dark lord will grant me a favor? I smirk at the idea, it's a possibility. I turn to him wrapping my arms around his shoulders, he pats my arm with a smile. 

He stands pulling me with him " Sit with me at dinner?" he questions, I nod. He pulls me out of the stairwell after him with a smile.

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