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Nineteen years after Hogwarts- Epilogue.

" MOM!" Archer yells from his room.

" What!" I yell back.

" Come here!" He yells down the stairs.

I scoff, walking out of the kitchen through the foyer to the stairs.

I'm starting to get tired of them screaming from upstairs. Especially on nights they know Draco had to work. 

Remind me again why I had children?

I peek into Zenith's room as I pass, seeing him still buried in his navy blue comforter.

I peek into Archer's room, watching as he tosses things around in his closet. He stalks out, looking under the bed groaning in frustration.

" What's up?" I ask curiously.

He turns " I can't find my broom." he says in a panicked tone.

 I roll my eyes " Where'd you put it?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

I don't know how many times he's lost his broom and found it in the most random of places. For instance we found it in the kitchen pantry one time.

He shrugs " No clue." he says nonchalantly.

I frown " Did you leave it at the Potters? Maybe James has it." I say calmly.

Over the years James and Archer had grown quite close. It didn't surprise me, they saw each other often and they were the same age, so it made sense.

He thinks for a minute " Maybe." he says quietly.  He puts a hand on his chin, deep in thought his eyes far off.

He turns to me with a pleading look " Can you check Zenith's room?" he asks.

I raise an eyebrow " And be murdered? No thanks, just ask Scorpius, if anyone has it it's him." I say calmly.

It was true, Scorpius has taken Archers broom a number of times. So to avoid Zenith's room as long as possible I suggested we check their first, he wasn't having it.

I sigh, wandering back towards Zenith's room and opening it wide enough to step in.

I didn't like going into Zenith's room because he was a crazy neat freak. He had a spot for everything and everything needed to be in it's spot a certain way.

I admit to being a neat freak myself but he was crazy.

I look around the room curiously, seeing Zenith's own broom leaned in the corner. I glance into the closet to see if he had hidden it away but it wasn't there. As far as I could see it wasn't in here.

" Mum?" Zenith's voice questions.

I turn to him with a smile " Hey, have you seen Archer's broom?" I ask gently.

He stares at me a minute, holding the covers above his head, peeking out from under them.

He glances around the room " Not here." he says calmly, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

He fumbles out of bed, taking the time to carefully straighten out his bed before walking to Molly's cage.

" Lily's bunny likes her." He says calmly as he opens up the cage.

I smile " Maybe they can have a bunny playdate?" I question enthusiastically.

He frowns " No, he'll hurt her." he says, stroking between the bunny's ears.

I nod " Have you written your friend back yet?" I ask curiously.

He stops, looking down for a minute as he thinks. His eyes seem far off as he absently strokes his bunny, staring at the floor.

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