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I wander down the stairs heading for the kitchen to meet the boys. The loud bickering echoing around the foyer from the kitchen. They've only been here for what, an hour? and it sounds like they've already started a civil war.

A third voice interjects and I start to walk faster. Who else could be in my kitchen at eight o'clock in the morning. The only possible option would be Snape, but even he would have owled. I Appear at the door and taking in the four boys in my kitchen.

" What is this, a testosterone convention?" I question with a smirk. They all turn to me as I walk towards the island.

" You didn't tell us you were friends with Theo here," Marcus says with a scowl. I raise my eyebrows, wondering if this is a bad thing.

But he just grins, ruffling Theo's hair " reunited with an old friend." Theo interjects.

I watch Blaise stand as clueless as me off to the side. We exchange a glance to say 'what the hell?' and head towards each other. He hovers beside me for a moment, watching Marcus put Theo into a headlock. Leaving Aris to play referee and stop the fight that's currently happening.

He sighs turning to me with a smile and pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his torso squeezing him tight. " Bellissima, it's been a while, how are you?" He asks.

I smile " I've been better," I say calmly, watching the boys fool around. " Though I think that goes for everyone else too." I say quietly.

He nods, leaning against the counter beside me. " Have you seen Draco?" he asks quietly, his tone laced with worry for his friend.

I don't know if I should tell him or not. I don't know what he'd say about the situation. I definitely wouldn't want him to think badly of me, he's been my bestfriend as long as Draco has. He was like a brother of sorts and I didn't want to lose him.  After all association with Malfoys is association with death eaters.

I don't know where he stands in this war, but I'm willing to bet it's wherever Draco is. They've been friends since childhood so it would only make sense. He knows who Draco is, even through the title he's been given. He knows his personality and things about him even I don't know. I'm willing to say he'd trust him no matter what.

I swallow thickly " Oh Blaise, I need to show you something." I say loud enough for the other boys to hear. I nod my head in the direction of the door and he narrows his eyes. I shoot him a wink, heading out of the kitchen. He follows with the slightest bit of hesitation.

I lead him upstairs to my room where Draco is currently hiding. I smile at him as I open the door gesturing him inside. He gives me a curious look and walks in, stopping in the doorway for only a moment before rushing forward.

I step into the room smiling at the sight of Blaise wrapping an arm around Draco. I close the door as they clap each other on the back. Who knows who could come up next, we don't want him to be seen here. Especially by Marcus and Aris, Theo might understand but they wouldn't.

" Hey mate, been awhile." Blaise says with a grin, pulling away and leaning against the bedpost.

Draco nods " Quite awhile, I'll admit I'm surprised you're here." he says glancing over at me with furrowed brows. I shrug, tilting my head and he turns back to Blaise " Regardless I'm glad you're here." he says with a grin.

I walk over to my desk taking a seat in the chair and watching their conversation. I shift through the papers on my desk, noting the stack of contracts that need signing. I huff getting to work on what I've been neglecting for the past few weeks.

I barely hear anything they're saying my eyes glued to a strange envelope in the pile. I move a few papers grabbing hold of the large envelope . I open it careful not to break the seal on it; it's a habit.

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