Eleazar Locke- Diamonds In The Rough.

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A/N: Buckle up Besties, this one's a long chapter because I wanted it to be like a short story of different moments. So this chapter is about 10k+ words, which is the longest chapter I've ever written. To be honest with you guys I cried while writing this (you'll see why) so be warned. This chapter/character mean al lot to me, we're not going into detail on why.

So enjoy and grab your tissues, unless you're heartless (Like me most of the time.)  then grab some popcorn and a warm blanket.

The Locke Family, as you know, was a family of prestigious purebloods. They were a very well respected family in the wizarding world.

The difference between the Locke family and other families of their status, was simply that they didn't care much for blood status, though they never spoke out about it.

The Locke family was known for their allegiance to the ministry, but above all they valued Merlin.

In the past whispers had been heard of some sort of blood relation between the two family's. This led people to believe that the Locke's were descendants of Merlin, but this was not the case.

It was as simple as a friendship between two young boys. 

Cyfrin Locke, and Merlin Wyllt.

They shared their opinions to a point, with slight differences. Which is why after thirty years of friendship, the two fell away.

When the rumors faded they met again shortly before Cyfrin's untimely death, leaving behind his wife and two sons.

The Father of Eleazar Locke, Amatheon Locke was a kind man who cherished those of all blood types. He sent his only son down the same path he once took to gain respect, he was very successful.

By the time Eleazar went to Hogwarts he had already made a name for himself.

Even at the age of eleven he knew who he was and how he was to act upon it, not in a selfish or ignorant way, but to use his title to spread peace. 

He was kind to people of all status's, something that the pureblood families frowned upon, but assumed it was plainly about kindness and earning pull.

He was always one to try to work things out in a peaceful way and he had an ability to neutralize situations, which helped him a lot in Hogwarts.

He was known for his intimidating stature, but also for the kindness that hid behind it.

Without further ado, here are some moments from Eleazar's life.


" Eleazar." he calls in a firm voice.

I immediately drop my book and run into the study " Yes Father?" I ask brightly.

I was always pleased when my Father called on me, it meant he had something for me to do. My days were undoubtedly boring, the time I didn't spent with my teacher was spent constantly sitting around and waiting for him.

I didn't mind, I knew he was busy.

He smiles widely at me " How have your studies been going?" he asks curiously.

I smile " I got all A's in my last few tests, Mr. Carris says I'm doing well." I say calmly.

He nods " Very good, now," he starts, standing from his chair " I have an associate coming over, you are to be on your best behavior, I know you won't disappoint." he says calmly.

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