The tournament for three,

804 13 2

I felt relieved when I stepped onto the platform, finally a sense of normality. I scan the platform for my friends. Going as far as to stand on the train step, but I don't find them.

I sigh turning and walking into the train. I stroll down the narrow hall. looking for an empty compartment, or perhaps my friends.

 I walk the length of the train, not finding an empty compartment nor my friends. I head to one of the seating areas, Finding an empty table and waiting for my friends.

I stare out the window onto the platform, or rather past the platform. I'm not paying attention to the scene outside. Instead I'm allowing the past few weeks to run through my head.

My Mothers death hadn't been published, and I preferred it that way. No one had to know that wasn't close to her. After all it would have just drew more attention than we wanted. So we kept it to ourselves.

Lucius helped me when it came to the ministry. When they'd found out I'd used an unforgivable they had shown up at my door. Lucius had managed to arrange a hearing, therefore saving me from going to Azkaban. But in the end evidence disappeared and I was let off the hook, I didn't ask how he'd done it, I got the feeling I didn't really want to know.

I let out a huff, running my fingers through my hair. Suddenly noticing that the train had started moving. I look around the table to my friends who seem to have magically appeared.

I smile brightly at them, " When did you guys get here?" I question curiously. Draco raises an eyebrow from his seat across from me " An hour ago?" he says his tone hinting at worry and confusion.

I shrug " I didn't even notice." I say with a light laugh, " We could tell." Blaise says from beside me. I turn to him " Hey Blaise, been awhile." I say grinning, he grins back " It sure has what's it been, five weeks?" he laughs. I laugh " it Felt longer." I say raising my eyebrows, he nods understanding what I mean.

" How was the world cup?" Blaise grins, I roll my eyes " Good, until it burst into flames." I frown. His eyes widen at my bluntness " Yeah, I heard about that." he nods " You guys make it out okay?" he asks looking me over. 

" I'm here aren't I?" I say with a roll of my eyes, he furrows his brows at me. " Just a ray of sunshine today." he mutters rolling his eyes. I scowl at him as our table laughs. I turn back to look out the window with a sigh.


I sit watching the curious looking horses pull the carriage. They're quite beautiful, in a way. We pull up to the castle, and climb out of the carriage.

I'm about to walk straight to the castle when I see it. A large ship rises out of the dark sea. I can tell immediately who it is by the insignia, A golden double headed eagle glowing against the red sail.  Above it a beautiful carriage pulled through the air by Pegasus. The carriage pulls in for landing, almost running over Hagrid.

Draco laughs in amusement as we watch the mountain of a man dive out of the way, I laugh along. Draco's hand finds my arm, and he pulls me to the great hall and I follow willingly.


" Now that were all settled in and sorted," Dumbledore's voice echo's around the hall. " I'd like to make an announcement." he pauses as the doors of the halls swing open. Revealing a panting Filch, who runs down the aisle to Dumbledore.

" This castle will not only be yo-" he rambles on.

A few people snicker at our table, watching as the man doubles over before stopping beside Dumbledore. The man stops speaking and turns to filch. They exchange a quick hushed conversation, the first years huffing in annoyance of the interruption.

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