Suspicious Snape.

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Moody's letter couldn't have come at a better time. Though it was slightly inconvenient. I haven't had any updates as of late, so I'd assumed the order had fallen. Though I was glad it hadn't, this caused a quite few problems.

For one, he needed polyjuice potion, which I did have. potions was one of the branches of the Locke business. Since I had a tendency to brew different potions a lot for personal interest, I also had some in my basement. So either way I'd have some to give him. The inconvenience was how I would get it to them, they needed it tonight. 

There were at least a dozen death eaters surrounding the house. Watching for any disturbance no matter how slight. If Someone were to even glance at Potter's muggle house the dark Lord would know. I may not be under constant watch anymore, but that didn't mean they didn't glance back. If I got caught I'd definitely be done for, so I had to be stealthy.

I pace my room, the polyjuice in my bag ready to go. I just needed an idea of how to get there. They were muggles, so they didn't have a floo. I couldn't apparate because I still had the trace. I didn't even know how to ride a stupid broom, seeing as it wasn't lady-like.

I didn't even have the proper lay out, to apparate. I had tried and almost got caught by Harry's cousin Dudley. I had to pretend he was dreaming, which due to my appearance was pretty easy. He thought I was an angel, I used that to my advantage.

The only lay out I have is of the living room. Which wasn't ideal due to all the windows, but it would have to work. There was no other way I could think of to get there. Trace be damned, I'd just have to come up with a story later.

I contemplate changing into something more casual, less death eater chic. But decide against it, sticking to what I wore today. A black cloak with a long sleeve dress that hugs my figure and cuts off above the knee. Followed up with knee high black boots with a block heel.

My hair is held out of my face with a headband. My make up is dark around my eyes, making the blue pop. I toss the headband onto my bed, it was bothering me anyways. I simply didn't have the patience to deal with anything bothersome today.

I place my bag over my shoulder, under my cloak. Checking to make sure I have enough of the potion. Considering I don't know what they're doing I estimated how much to bring. Then I apparate to Harry's muggle house. When The squeezing feeling is gone and the blurring stops I look around the room.

I'm met with wide eyes and questioning looks of the Weasley's, Granger, Lupin and Tonks, Harry a few others and Moody. The very person I was here to see staring at me expectantly. I sigh taking my bag off my shoulder and walking towards him, he meets me in the middle.

" Why is she here?" I hear Ron ask. I shoot him a cold glare and he scowls at me turning to whisper to Hermione.

I ignore it, looking up at Moody and holding up the polyjuice potion " This should be enough for whatever you have planned." I say emotionlessly.

He nods " Thank you again Miss Locke." he says eagerly.

I point a finger at him, a cold expression on my face " Don't get caught, or we're both dead." I say sternly. He nods, understanding what I mean. If he or anyone is caught by the death eaters, they'll look through their memories. Which means they could find out I helped them. I'm already teetering on the edge, any small thing could ruin all I've worked for.

" I must to go, if there's any problems," I pause thinking for a minute. No, as long as I'm this close I can't have any contact with them " Solve them yourself, I can't be compromised." I finish with a stern tone. I had my own plan to perfect, I didn't need them messing it up. I'm too close to the death eaters to have any contact with them. If anyone were to find out it would be the end, quite literally.

He turns to Harry " Potter, your underage which means you still have the trace on you." he starts, I can already see the confusion. Of course he has no clue what the trace is, he grew up with muggles and it's not like he reads like Hermione.

" What's the trace?" He asks curiously. Moody looks annoyed that he even has to explain this to him. But he should have known Harry would be clueless, he never was the brightest.

" If you sneeze, the ministry will know who wipes your nose. The point is we have to use those means of transport the trace can't detect. Brooms, thestrals and the like, we go in pairs." he says. " That way if anyone's out there waiting for us, they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one." Moody says his tone a mix of irritation and eagarness.

I can already see he's about to argue, I turn to Moody " Farewell, remember I won't remember any of this so don't come to me after tonight." I say emotionlessly.

He nods " Of course, do what you must." he says turning to Harry as he starts to complain.

I look around the room, offering a smile. They all look at me confused. My eyes meet Lupins and he nods, acknowledging my dedication to our plan. Which the trio still has no clue is in place, after tonight they'll think I betrayed them.

I disaparate the squeezing feeling taking over me and the blurring returning. They'll know I apparated somewhere tonight, but they won't know why. They will come asking questions though, so I have to act quick.

I grab my wand from my boot, holding it to my head. I needed to be completely focused on the memories from tonight, otherwise this could go terribly wrong. I found a way that I could erase the memories from tonight without erasing everything. I read in a book that if you focus hard on a certain memory it will disappear.

" Obliviate." I whisper, thinking of the memories of tonight only. I see them getting fuzzy, until it's just a blurred picture. I keep my focus on them until they're completely gone.


I walk down the stairs, towards the kitchen. I hear voices as I approach and furrow my brows slightly. I peek through the door, my eyes landing on Snape and Draco. I'm used to the odd pairing being in the manor. Snape has come on multiple occasions to check in, dark lords orders I'm sure. However usually before he comes he sends an owl so I know he's coming. I unfurrow my brows, pushing the doors open. They both turn to me with a frown on their faces.

I tilt my head, curious as to why they looked upset. Snape raises an eyebrow " Where did you go tonight Elliana?" he questions.

" No where, I was in my room." I say rolling my eyes, walking towards the table. I didn't exactly expect to have him over. Normally when he comes I'd have Mori make tea for him. Seeing as I wasn't informed I was making it, Mori had already went home for the night.

" That's not what I heard." He says calmly. I turn to him, setting the kettle on the stove and furrowing my brows.

" What do you mean?" I question, genuine curiosity lacing my tone. He scoffs, looking me up and down. I've changed into a pair of grey leggings and a knitted jumper which hangs halfway down my thighs. Clearly not something I'd wear on patrol or on a visit to the ministry.

He steps towards me, a cold expression on his face " Where, were, you." he asks again. What does he expect me to say, I came home from patrol, changed and went to sleep. Only to wake up to his annoying ass.

I furrow my brows " I, was, here." I say again, stepping up to him and looking him straight in the eyes. He stares into my eyes in complete silence, trying to read me. The blackness of his eyes seems never ending, like a black hole.

His eyes narrow and he takes a step back " Very well." he drawls. I raise my eyebrows at him for an explanation. He sighs " You have what is called the trace, until you turn seventeen that is. The ministry got word you apparated to Surrey, Privet drive to be exact." he says watching me carefully.

Does he think I'm stupid? I know I still have the trace, I will until I turn seventeen. Which is why I haven't been using as much magic as I'd like to. But I don't get why it would say that I went to Harry's muggle house. Unless someone had imperioed me then I didn't have a clue what happened.

I narrow my eyes " I went there yesterday to get a layout of the house, but I didn't apparate." I say calmly. He tilts his head, he doesn't believe me " Snape I swear, I came straight home today." I say calmly.

He nods, taking a few steps back. I feel the intense pressure at the back of my head and I know exactly what he's doing. " I think you believe that." He says, turning and walking away. Leaving me and Draco with confused expressions.

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